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DNB Wealth Management: Benytt «regnvær» til å kjøpe

Investeringsdirektør Tore André Lysebo ser fare for ytterligere børsfall på kort sikt. Langsiktige investorer vil imidlertid få gode kjøpsmuligheter.

Publisert 21. sep. 2022
Lesetid: 2 minutter
Artikkellengde er 385 ord
A Romanian Navy sailor looks out towards an oil platform operated by OMV Petrom SA, in the Black Sea, near Constanta, Romania, on Tuesday, June 21, 2022. Romania may accelerate its first deepwater natural gas prospect amid a shortage of the fossil fuel in Europe, with operator OMV Petrom likely to re-evaluate the development, said State-controlled Romgaz SA, which is taking over a 50% stake in the Black Sea project. Photographer: Andrei Pungovschi/Bloomberg Bloomberg