B2H - 10.000.000 aksjer krysset på 3,67
Ser vi nå en reprising av inkasso sektoren snart? Axactor er til sammenligning opp ca 13% i dag.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 12:10
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Stort fond som er ferdigsolgt nå:)
03.04.2020 kl 09:46
Ikke mange i denne situasjonen pr dags dato, tror dette vil gå veldig greit når denne uroen får synke inn, verden må videre !
Blir nok noen tap fremover , det har det vel alltid hvert , mye rimelige varer fremover for disse selskapene , nå er det jo greit å holde focus på likviditet å balanse på kort og mellom lang sikt :-)
"B2Holding has a robust balance sheet and a good foundation to face the uncertain business outlook. Nevertheless, the implemented restrictions to prevent the spread of the virus will have a negative impact on European economies and will also affect our collections and recoveries and consequently our results in 2020. Although the short-term market outlook is uncertain, we believe that the NPL volumes coming to the market post the crisis will increase, with a potential positive effect on pricing of portfolios and increased yields. With NPL volumes expected to increase, we also see a potential for increased servicing revenues", says Erik J. Johnsen, CEO of B2Holding ASA.
Blir nok noen tap fremover , det har det vel alltid hvert , mye rimelige varer fremover for disse selskapene , nå er det jo greit å holde focus på likviditet å balanse på kort og mellom lang sikt :-)
"B2Holding has a robust balance sheet and a good foundation to face the uncertain business outlook. Nevertheless, the implemented restrictions to prevent the spread of the virus will have a negative impact on European economies and will also affect our collections and recoveries and consequently our results in 2020. Although the short-term market outlook is uncertain, we believe that the NPL volumes coming to the market post the crisis will increase, with a potential positive effect on pricing of portfolios and increased yields. With NPL volumes expected to increase, we also see a potential for increased servicing revenues", says Erik J. Johnsen, CEO of B2Holding ASA.
Blir konsolidering her, sikkert derfor.