Nouveau Monde Graphite Inc

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NOU 01.02.2020 kl 14:39 707

Dersom noen er interessert i nye aksjer å følge med på vil jeg anbefale å lese seg litt opp på Nouveau Monde Graphite Inc. Et kanadisk gruvefirma som vil drive 100% elektrisk gruvedrift av grafitt. Som dere sikkert vet er grafitt et av hovedkomponentene i litium batterier og en Tesla inneholder ca 100 kg grafitt.

Deres mål er å starte opp vestens største grafittmine som vil utvinne 100 tonn grafitt i året og minen har en levetid på ca 25 år. Ser på Shareville at noen aksjonærer begynner å posisjonere seg. Jeg vet at grafittfrie batterier er på anmarsj, men tviler på at de kommer i serieproduksjon med det aller første og litium batteriet lever videre.

Ting også vært å merke seg er at Kina som tidligere har vært selvforsynte med grafitt nå også begynner å importere. "Prior to the end of 2017 China imported less than 1000 tonnes a year. In May 2019 imports exceeded 22,000t."

En liten filmsnutt som er verdt å se:
Redigert 01.02.2020 kl 14:44 Du må logge inn for å svare
01.02.2020 kl 14:53 690

Enig.. det vil være 50/50 grafitt silisium i batterier i lang tid fremover 10-20 år minst :)

Hadde jeg ikke vært all-in i REC hadde jeg også satset på Nouveau Monde Graphite :)

Forbruket for både Grafitt og nano-Silisium er foventet å 4 dobles frem mot 2025 med en ny bølge av batterirevolusjon.
Jeg vil forvente at kanadagruven vil hente opp batterikvalitet grafitt, siden dette er det markedet ønsker
Redigert 01.02.2020 kl 14:56 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
01.02.2020 kl 18:35 652

Du skal ikke diversere aksjerene dine litt da ;) Jeg er ganske sikker på at NOU kommer til å stige mye fremover! De ble nylig også ferdig med å ta flere borreprøver av området og en oppdatering av hvor mye grafitt de har. Det de har er rapportert av høy kvalitet (99,95%) som er egnet for bruk i EV batteri. Produksjonen har planlagt start i 2021/22 når etterspørselen av grafitt vil være stor.
Et mulig sammarbeid sammarbeid med Tesla er heller ikke å utelukke dersom Elon skulle finne på og ringe Eric Desaulniers ;)

Spennene tider i vente !

Redigert 01.02.2020 kl 18:36 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.02.2020 kl 14:07 594

Solkongenjr. Can you explian what makes Nouveau Monde Graphite Inc. different from other market participants?
Just read Northern Graphite Corporation corporate updated from 12 November 2019.

The update had Graphite Market Update section:

Despite growing electric vehicle ("EV") demand and the need for secure, ethically sourced supplies of battery minerals, graphite prices remain at very low levels. This is mainly due to increased production from China and a large, new mine in Africa which have resulted in supply increasing faster than demand. The new African mine recently announced that production is being sharply curtailed due to operational and financial challenges and low prices. This may lead to some improvement in prices in the short term.

Longer term, Benchmark Mineral Intelligence estimates that 1.3 million tonnes of lithium ion battery ("LiB") anode material production capacity needs to be added by 2023 to meet the demands of new battery manufacturing plants. World graphite production will have to more than double in the next four years to meet that estimate. Recently, Volkswagen announced that it will need 300gW of annual battery supply by 2025. That alone will require a 40%+ increase in world natural graphite production. Raw material demand numbers are quite staggering even if EVs become only moderately successful. Construction of multiple new graphite mines needs to start very soon if this is to happen.

China currently has excess small flake production capacity which is the graphite grade used to make LiB anode material. However, China has demonstrated many times over that its strategy is to dominate markets over the long term and this is the case with the LiB/EV industries. Current and planned increases in Chinese raw material supply, downstream processing facilities and LiB manufacturing capacity greatly exceed existing demand. The net effect of this approach is to freeze out many western projects which will make the world even more dependent on China in the future. A solution must be found to stimulate the development of strategic mineral supplies in the west.

New Chinese and African graphite production is mainly small flake. New sources of large/XL flake are required due to declining production and growing industrial demand. Prices for these grades are higher and there is an immediate opportunity for new mines but markets are also smaller and supply must be added in a controlled fashion.
Redigert 02.02.2020 kl 14:08 Du må logge inn for å svare
Slettet bruker
03.02.2020 kl 21:24 540

I haven't checked out all of the other mines, but some points on why Nouveau Monde Graphite.

- First all-electric open mining pit in the world. "Zero-emission graphite"
- Low operating cost of USD 382/t making it potentially the third-lowest cost producer within the chosen peer group. Northern Graphite as mentioned in your comment has a reported cost of 675USD/t in their investor's presentation.
- The graphite is of high grade and stable for lithium batteries.
- Mine life is 25.5 years (100k tonnes a year) with a potential life of 40++. New resource update coming soon. Jumbo flakes and a purity of 99.95%.
- The mining site is also in trucking distance to many American battery manufacturers both online and planned.
- And there is the ethical aspect as well. In a recent survey 82% of the local respondents calling the project positive or very positive. The mining pit is planned to become a big lake when the mine is empty.

Also worth to mention:
"In the early 2020s, North America’s biggest graphite mine, run by Imerys Graphite & Carbon in Lac-des-Îles, Quebec, is expected to reach the end of its life. At that point, there will be no major producers of graphite on the continent."
