REC - Dagens kommentar 11.07.2018

REC 11.07.2018 kl 11:04 2671

Breath in and relax :-)

Finally, for once:-), REC seems to land on the right side of the fence after the new tariffs. I am guessing the Butte semiconductor sil and the ML solar silicon prices will increase to new levels when the cheap chinese stuff are no longer the cheap chinese in the US.

But, nevertheless, this is not what is at stake here. As I mentioned earlier. This is not about REC, and it was never about REC. It is a game we play with the shorters.

The shorters bet on that they can sell 500 mill shares, to push REC from 1.3 down to 0.7 and cover their short at 0.8.

and we say we bet they cannot :-)
11.07.2018 kl 11:06 2611

The major houses wait for the shorters to expose themselves even more before they hit the "squeeze" button :-)
11.07.2018 kl 12:14 2435

The sil prices suggest the shorters should short another 100-200 mill rec shares soon. Well, at least we could only hope :-)

Redigert 11.07.2018 kl 12:30 Du må logge inn for å svare
11.07.2018 kl 12:34 2400

Solid oppgang i går og solid gevinstsikring i dag som gjør at kursen stuper tilbake til start. Det viser at det er helt meningsløst å trade aksjekursen oppover da det er pump-and-dump som er hele bakgrunnen for hvorfor det går opp og ned.
11.07.2018 kl 12:38 2377


Mmhmm, you are right... Hundred, if not thousand, times before you have demonstrated that you have all the answers and you guess correctly. Why should I question your conclusion now :-)

Have you been a good boy and shorted your daily lump by the way?

Redigert 11.07.2018 kl 12:42 Du må logge inn for å svare
11.07.2018 kl 12:53 2339

From PAS QR:

"Blah, blah, blah....our target price to NOK 0.8 (1.4) – HOLD reiterated"

well, gee thanks, finally someone who agrees with me.

Accumulate and hold on to your shares folks :-)
11.07.2018 kl 13:12 2307

XL11 skrev Innlegget er slettet
11.07.2018 kl 13:16 2294

XL11 skrev Innlegget er slettet

Even when you say nothing, you make your point. And also, see, you made spanish happy :-)