When the going gets tough, the tough gets...
...eerrrr...the REC shareholders pee themselves. It is clear that everyone here has an agenda. Those who talk sheet about REC are either shorting REC or looking for a good entry. Why else would anyone spend hours throwing stone at REC here on HO.
Couple of facts (for those who need it):
- REC receives 15% of what is being sold in China. Without lifting a finger.
- REC handles its depth elegantly. Textbook example of dept-management.
- Butte is money machine. Silicon is picking up. Renewable solar energy is the future.
- Low silicon prices are only good for REC: puts the high-cost competitors out of business.
- The short sale reg is a joke. I could hide 10 different short, each at 0.494444 without ever surfacing on the list. Nevertheless, the more the merrier!
and finally
- SHORTER LLC, LLP, LP & INC pack bets on fear (you headless chicken sheets). The shorters aim is to destroy the trust in a share. If they achieve that, it is then they know that people will start selling their shares, taking losses and surrender.
So, like I always say: wake the fork up and hold on to your shares. The shorters have to buy them from you sometime!
Couple of facts (for those who need it):
- REC receives 15% of what is being sold in China. Without lifting a finger.
- REC handles its depth elegantly. Textbook example of dept-management.
- Butte is money machine. Silicon is picking up. Renewable solar energy is the future.
- Low silicon prices are only good for REC: puts the high-cost competitors out of business.
- The short sale reg is a joke. I could hide 10 different short, each at 0.494444 without ever surfacing on the list. Nevertheless, the more the merrier!
and finally
- SHORTER LLC, LLP, LP & INC pack bets on fear (you headless chicken sheets). The shorters aim is to destroy the trust in a share. If they achieve that, it is then they know that people will start selling their shares, taking losses and surrender.
So, like I always say: wake the fork up and hold on to your shares. The shorters have to buy them from you sometime!
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 02:10
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Hildur NOK
13.06.2018 kl 23:31
Det mottar ikke 15 %...mottar ikke en krona? alle penger i Yulin stanner i JV ikke sant?
Hvis REC skal få penger fra JV så må Yulin gi utbytte, og då kan REC motta 15 %.
Hvis REC skal få penger fra JV så må Yulin gi utbytte, og då kan REC motta 15 %.
13.06.2018 kl 23:37
*eye rolls*
well, as long as JV does not donate REC's share of 15% to Red-Cross, we should be ok!
well, as long as JV does not donate REC's share of 15% to Red-Cross, we should be ok!
15.06.2018 kl 00:28
Sa2ri is 'working hard' to feed the REC shareholders with the 'balanced' solar news. Such a great guy, doing such service to public. Right?
17.06.2018 kl 23:27
This is about the tariffs but it predicts a bright future for REC:
Also: I see people are worried about JUM selling 50+ Mil shares. To whom and why. Doesn't JUM have enough shares already? Those who want to see JUM behind the steering wheel think glass is 10 % empty, while others think glass is 90% full.
Frankly, the less JUM has, the better!
Also: I see people are worried about JUM selling 50+ Mil shares. To whom and why. Doesn't JUM have enough shares already? Those who want to see JUM behind the steering wheel think glass is 10 % empty, while others think glass is 90% full.
Frankly, the less JUM has, the better!
Redigert 17.06.2018 kl 23:43
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18.06.2018 kl 00:03
Mange floskler her......inkl overskriften.
Chartet ser ikke akkurat vakkert ut........for de håpefulle.
Hilsen Hammers
Chartet ser ikke akkurat vakkert ut........for de håpefulle.
Hilsen Hammers
18.06.2018 kl 09:34
Tror kursen kjøres opp et par øre hvert øyeblikk nå, slik at volumet på salgssiden øker til fordel for hungrige kjøpere (såkalt "risting av epletreet"-taktikk).
Når det skjer (ikke om, våger jeg å si!) , vil det sannsyligvis opptre to positive overraskelser for de av oss som for øyeblikket er long i REC: (1) det er uventet få epler igjen på treet (de fleste forsvant i stormen på fredag) og (2) det blir voldsomt trangt i døra nå en bølge av kjøpere kaster seg på toget for å unngå å bli stående igjen på perrongen. De som for øyeblikket sitter og venter på å handle under krona....
Hilsen Sofafilosof, som satser mer på psykologitolking av terrenget gjennom frontruta enn tolking av virtuelle linjer gjennom bakspeilet ;-)
Når det skjer (ikke om, våger jeg å si!) , vil det sannsyligvis opptre to positive overraskelser for de av oss som for øyeblikket er long i REC: (1) det er uventet få epler igjen på treet (de fleste forsvant i stormen på fredag) og (2) det blir voldsomt trangt i døra nå en bølge av kjøpere kaster seg på toget for å unngå å bli stående igjen på perrongen. De som for øyeblikket sitter og venter på å handle under krona....
Hilsen Sofafilosof, som satser mer på psykologitolking av terrenget gjennom frontruta enn tolking av virtuelle linjer gjennom bakspeilet ;-)
Redigert 18.06.2018 kl 09:50
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18.06.2018 kl 16:35
Syntes jeg traff rimelig greit med spådommen min imorges med 2.3% opp ved sluttkurs og vanskelig dag for kjøpere å fiske ut flere selgere - selv om "et øyeblikk" ble lang som en siesta og vel så det... Hva morgendagen bringer er en annen sak.
18.06.2018 kl 18:16
Var bunnen satt, eller var dette kun en klassisk dead cat bounce? ?
Trodde vi skulle ned på 97 øre i dag....
Trodde vi skulle ned på 97 øre i dag....
18.06.2018 kl 22:07
US board:
Re: Gregor McDonald On Wind And Solar As Soon Dominating Electricity Supply Growth...
Buffett didn't recently discuss subsidies making wind power possible. He made that statement in 2014 - you and others keep referring to it as if he made it yesterday because it is convenient for your argument to ignore the current reality that windpower and solar costs, even without subsidy, are lower than new NG power costs in big parts of the USA
From a Scientific American blog piece looking at a US govt.figures on levelized cost of energy (ie. after factoring in transmission and other costs) - August 2017:
"When you exclude the production tax credit and look at the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) from interior (midwest) wind, it still comes in at an extremely competitive cost of less than 50 dollars per megawatt-hour (5 cents per kilowatt-hour). For comparison, the Energy Information Administration estimates a best-in-class combined cycle natural gas power plant has an LCOE of about 54 dollars per megawatt-hour (5.4 cents per kilowatt-hour). So even when you account for the effect of the federal wind production tax credit, wind energy remains an extremely competitive generating resource."
Lazard, the merchant bank, has the unsubsidized cost of new wind power in the U.S. averaging $30-60/MW ($30-50 in the US Midwest and Texas), utility scale solar at $42-53/MW and combined cycle gas generation at $42 - 78./MW.
Buffet's Mid North and PacifiCorp are investing about $5 billion in renewables over the next 10 years. They will build out as much of that as they can to catch the rapidly declining wind tax credit, which expires after 2019, but their renewables construction will continue after 2019 because it is lowest cost.
Buffett will grab any and all subsidies available. He's not going to pass up the new coal subsidies if Trump hands them out on a platter (Buffet/Berkshire has lots of coal power) but he is not investing long term in coal. When older industries get subsidies, like coal, like automakers Chrysler and GM and Ford, Boeing, it goes on and on, they talk virtuously of 'protecting jobs" or "creating jobs". From those ideologically opposed to the industry being subsidized we hear over and over the old canard "government shouldn't be picking winners and losers."
NG power has the advantage over renewables that it is more dispatchable - NG power and renewables are complementary. NG power will be around for decades, but investment in NG power is slowing around the world - that's why the gas turbine makers, Siemens and GE, are in trouble: “I think that the whole industry has significantly been underestimating the rise of renewable energy,” said Siemens CEO Joe Kaeser in a March interview with The Wall Street Journal."
Re: Gregor McDonald On Wind And Solar As Soon Dominating Electricity Supply Growth...
Buffett didn't recently discuss subsidies making wind power possible. He made that statement in 2014 - you and others keep referring to it as if he made it yesterday because it is convenient for your argument to ignore the current reality that windpower and solar costs, even without subsidy, are lower than new NG power costs in big parts of the USA
From a Scientific American blog piece looking at a US govt.figures on levelized cost of energy (ie. after factoring in transmission and other costs) - August 2017:
"When you exclude the production tax credit and look at the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) from interior (midwest) wind, it still comes in at an extremely competitive cost of less than 50 dollars per megawatt-hour (5 cents per kilowatt-hour). For comparison, the Energy Information Administration estimates a best-in-class combined cycle natural gas power plant has an LCOE of about 54 dollars per megawatt-hour (5.4 cents per kilowatt-hour). So even when you account for the effect of the federal wind production tax credit, wind energy remains an extremely competitive generating resource."
Lazard, the merchant bank, has the unsubsidized cost of new wind power in the U.S. averaging $30-60/MW ($30-50 in the US Midwest and Texas), utility scale solar at $42-53/MW and combined cycle gas generation at $42 - 78./MW.
Buffet's Mid North and PacifiCorp are investing about $5 billion in renewables over the next 10 years. They will build out as much of that as they can to catch the rapidly declining wind tax credit, which expires after 2019, but their renewables construction will continue after 2019 because it is lowest cost.
Buffett will grab any and all subsidies available. He's not going to pass up the new coal subsidies if Trump hands them out on a platter (Buffet/Berkshire has lots of coal power) but he is not investing long term in coal. When older industries get subsidies, like coal, like automakers Chrysler and GM and Ford, Boeing, it goes on and on, they talk virtuously of 'protecting jobs" or "creating jobs". From those ideologically opposed to the industry being subsidized we hear over and over the old canard "government shouldn't be picking winners and losers."
NG power has the advantage over renewables that it is more dispatchable - NG power and renewables are complementary. NG power will be around for decades, but investment in NG power is slowing around the world - that's why the gas turbine makers, Siemens and GE, are in trouble: “I think that the whole industry has significantly been underestimating the rise of renewable energy,” said Siemens CEO Joe Kaeser in a March interview with The Wall Street Journal."
21.06.2018 kl 00:49
Once again it is dark days for REC, and all the OSE creep (shorters, doomsday preachers, those who look for a nicer entry, etc) have come out crawling from their holes, trying to scare the REC shareholders to make them sell their shares!
Just to name some names who are "informing the public about the dangers of owing REC share" are:
- bokaj70
- specc
- gmtrade
- jøje meg
- skyfritt
- blekkndekker, etc...
Well, of course, they do not wish you well at all, since they want your shares, that is why they are here posting these messages.
Just to name some names who are "informing the public about the dangers of owing REC share" are:
- bokaj70
- specc
- gmtrade
- jøje meg
- skyfritt
- blekkndekker, etc...
Well, of course, they do not wish you well at all, since they want your shares, that is why they are here posting these messages.
Redigert 21.06.2018 kl 01:06
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21.06.2018 kl 00:56
Couple of things to think about going forward:
- RSI is all time low. Shorters are running out of ammunition.
- When REC share is 0.8, it s easier to buy it for 2.2 (More and more buyers will pay attention to REC, and want to snap it before others do)
- RSI is all time low. Shorters are running out of ammunition.
- When REC share is 0.8, it s easier to buy it for 2.2 (More and more buyers will pay attention to REC, and want to snap it before others do)