Dagens kommentar 05.06.18
31.05.18: "Som sjefshausser i REC så syns jeg 1,24 fra teknikerne er råddyrt i øyeblikket. Argumentet deres tilsier at de også selger på 1,10."
05.06.18: 1,125 (lav)
05.06.18: 1,125 (lav)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 07:43
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05.06.2018 kl 10:45
Technical traders tend to believe that they have all of the information necessary to make an informed trade by viewing the past trade and price history of a stock. This means that the information required is more narrowly focused than for fundamental analysis. Technical traders are adept at following trends in activity and utilize those to predict future activity as well.
Så legger man en serie med snubletråder for teknikeren så tryner han ;p
The Difference Between Fundamental and Technical Analysis
In a nutshell, fundamental analysis aims to determine intrinsic value by looking at the strength of the business, a financial analysis and the operating environment including macroeconomic events. Technical analysis analyzes past market performance by looking at the chart activity of price movements, volume, moving averages and the statistics of various outcomes. Fundamental analysis assumes the efficient market theory holds in the long run and attempts to take advantage of inefficiencies in the short run.
Technical analysis assumes fundamentals are already priced in and tries to find patterns that lead to outcomes with high probabilities of occurring. Technical analysis also captures the psychological aspects of the market in the review of past patterns, whereas fundamental analysis fails to factor in investor psychology but believes fundamentals will rule in the long term, so short-term psychological blips will correct themselves. In general, there are differences in the types of investors that gravitate toward a specific type of analysis. Technicians are usually more short-term traders by nature, contrasting with the long-term view fundamentalists generally take.
Relationship Between Technicals and Fundamentals
Do fundamentals drive technicals or the other way around? In the short run, strong fundamentals do not always indicate strong technical patterns or vice versa. Often, technicals can continue to follow a strong or weak pattern when fundamentals are at turning points, which may lead them to be out of sync. Additionally, technicals can be out of sync with fundamentals when there is a shock to a stock, either positive or negative.
Stocks tend to follow technicals in the short run unless there is an unforeseen shock.
Når 95 % av dere primært er teknikere så sier det seg selv at det er en systemfeil i prisingen. Dere forutsetter at det fundamentale er priset inn når dere handler på aksjekursens historie... men hvordan er det mulig om aksjekursens historie hele tiden er teknisk preget? Da kommer teknikerne ut av sync!
Så legger man en serie med snubletråder for teknikeren så tryner han ;p
The Difference Between Fundamental and Technical Analysis
In a nutshell, fundamental analysis aims to determine intrinsic value by looking at the strength of the business, a financial analysis and the operating environment including macroeconomic events. Technical analysis analyzes past market performance by looking at the chart activity of price movements, volume, moving averages and the statistics of various outcomes. Fundamental analysis assumes the efficient market theory holds in the long run and attempts to take advantage of inefficiencies in the short run.
Technical analysis assumes fundamentals are already priced in and tries to find patterns that lead to outcomes with high probabilities of occurring. Technical analysis also captures the psychological aspects of the market in the review of past patterns, whereas fundamental analysis fails to factor in investor psychology but believes fundamentals will rule in the long term, so short-term psychological blips will correct themselves. In general, there are differences in the types of investors that gravitate toward a specific type of analysis. Technicians are usually more short-term traders by nature, contrasting with the long-term view fundamentalists generally take.
Relationship Between Technicals and Fundamentals
Do fundamentals drive technicals or the other way around? In the short run, strong fundamentals do not always indicate strong technical patterns or vice versa. Often, technicals can continue to follow a strong or weak pattern when fundamentals are at turning points, which may lead them to be out of sync. Additionally, technicals can be out of sync with fundamentals when there is a shock to a stock, either positive or negative.
Stocks tend to follow technicals in the short run unless there is an unforeseen shock.
Når 95 % av dere primært er teknikere så sier det seg selv at det er en systemfeil i prisingen. Dere forutsetter at det fundamentale er priset inn når dere handler på aksjekursens historie... men hvordan er det mulig om aksjekursens historie hele tiden er teknisk preget? Da kommer teknikerne ut av sync!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:03
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05.06.2018 kl 10:43
Nervøst solar-marked nå. Solar ETF'en TAN falt over 4.5% i går. Men hva som skjer fremover er det selvsagt ingen som vet, det eneste vi vet er at utfallsrommet er ufattelig stort. REC kan gjerne stå i 50 øre som i 5kr.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:03
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05.06.2018 kl 10:41
Ja, det gjelder å ikke la seg psyke ut i denne. Å være REC aksjonær kan være brutalt, men som så ofte før, er jeg ganske sikker på at denne vil nok en gang løfte seg. Kjøper ikke flere nå, men sitter rolig.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:03
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Har kjøpt det jeg har økonomiske muskler til og føler meg overbevist om at dette er kjøp jeg kommer til å fryde meg over.. Mulig aksjen presses lavere, men at den kommer til å stige er det vel ingen tvil om. Det meste for REC er på plass, bortsett fra enkelte aksjonærers psyke.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:03
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05.06.2018 kl 10:35
...og bare Butte var verdsatt til ?
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:03
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05.06.2018 kl 10:33
dette er "old news" og glemt for lenge siden;-)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:03
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What Are Analysts Saying About The Future Of REC Silicon ASA’s (OB:REC)?
Bruce Howe March 21, 2018
After REC Silicon ASA’s (OB:REC) earnings announcement in December 2017, the consensus outlook from analysts appear highly confident, with earnings expected to grow by a high double-digit of 83.18% in the upcoming year, relative to the previous 5-year average growth rate of 20.39%. Currently with earnings of -US$367.00M, we can expect this to reach -US$672.29M by 2019. Below is a brief commentary around REC Silicon’s earnings outlook going forward, which may give you a sense of market sentiment for the company. For those interested in more of an analysis of the company, you can research its fundamentals here.
Check out our latest analysis for REC Silicon
Can we expect REC Silicon to keep growing?
Over the next three years, it seems the consensus view of the 5 analysts covering REC is skewed towards the positive sentiment. Since forecasting becomes more difficult further into the future, broker analysts generally project out to around three years. To get an idea of the overall earnings growth trend for REC, I’ve plotted out each year’s earnings expectations and inserted a line of best fit to determine an annual rate of growth from the slope of this line.
By 2021, REC’s earnings should reach -US$719.47M, from current levels of -US$367.00M, resulting in an annual growth rate of 102.82%. EPS reaches $0 in the final year of forecast compared to the current $-0.14 EPS today. Growth in earnings appears to be a result of cost-cutting initiatives, since top-line is predicted to rise at a slower pace than earnings. Margins is currently sitting at -134.73%, which is expected to expand to -193.84% by 2021.
Bruce Howe March 21, 2018
After REC Silicon ASA’s (OB:REC) earnings announcement in December 2017, the consensus outlook from analysts appear highly confident, with earnings expected to grow by a high double-digit of 83.18% in the upcoming year, relative to the previous 5-year average growth rate of 20.39%. Currently with earnings of -US$367.00M, we can expect this to reach -US$672.29M by 2019. Below is a brief commentary around REC Silicon’s earnings outlook going forward, which may give you a sense of market sentiment for the company. For those interested in more of an analysis of the company, you can research its fundamentals here.
Check out our latest analysis for REC Silicon
Can we expect REC Silicon to keep growing?
Over the next three years, it seems the consensus view of the 5 analysts covering REC is skewed towards the positive sentiment. Since forecasting becomes more difficult further into the future, broker analysts generally project out to around three years. To get an idea of the overall earnings growth trend for REC, I’ve plotted out each year’s earnings expectations and inserted a line of best fit to determine an annual rate of growth from the slope of this line.
By 2021, REC’s earnings should reach -US$719.47M, from current levels of -US$367.00M, resulting in an annual growth rate of 102.82%. EPS reaches $0 in the final year of forecast compared to the current $-0.14 EPS today. Growth in earnings appears to be a result of cost-cutting initiatives, since top-line is predicted to rise at a slower pace than earnings. Margins is currently sitting at -134.73%, which is expected to expand to -193.84% by 2021.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:03
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05.06.2018 kl 10:17
Så er spørsmålet; er 1,125 billig eller dyrt for en REC aksje? For en uke siden ville jeg sagt at det er ekstremt billig;-)
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:03
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Registrerer at det snart ikke er optimister igjen.
Det burde være et sikkert tegn på at aksjekursen snart vender oppover.
Det burde være et sikkert tegn på at aksjekursen snart vender oppover.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:03
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Konsensus ligger vel på rundt 0,8-0,90 tallet som et støttepunkt, men ingenting er sikkert med denne aksjen. Skulle ikke forandre meg om denne synker enda mere. Har troen på aksjen, men tapene har vært enorme i det siste. Skjønner hvorfor folk ikke gidder mer. Er det få kjøpere og DNB fortsetter å selge får vi vel bare fortsette å se aksjen dale. For mye aksjer som legges ut for salg til at vi klarer å absorbere de og folk blir negative og holder seg borte fra REC og forsterker nedoverbakken. Hvorfor kjøpe nå, når man kan få REC billigere senere. Gode nyheter løfter ikke aksjen og hvis det kommer noen dårlige nyheter ja da kan man være ganske sikker på at den stuper. Ser at tålmodigheten med REC synker for andre her også. Vurderer bare kjøp nå langt under krona.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:03
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05.06.2018 kl 09:57
Tror neppe det blir full pupp på kull istedet.. Kinamann sliter med pusten så det holder, så installasjoner vil fortsette med uforminsket styrke. Typisk kinamann utspill og de enfoldige biter på agnet med sluk, søkke og snøre. Time to Play the game !
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:03
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05.06.2018 kl 09:50
Med fortsatt fallende pv-priser (oversupply i hele 2018), blir det null problem å få kursen under krona. Selskapet vil være konkurspriset helt til kineserne kjøper opp hele sjappa.
Dette er for øvrig en meget bra artikkel (også nevnt i annen Rec-tråd).
Dette er for øvrig en meget bra artikkel (også nevnt i annen Rec-tråd).
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:03
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mr Nelson
05.06.2018 kl 09:48
Det virker ikke som det er noe bunn i aksjen dessverre, skal vi under krona nå. Kjøper ikke en aksje til i dette selskapet over krona det er helt uaktuelt uansett hvordan selskapet gjør det.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:03
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05.06.2018 kl 09:45
15 tusen mannen får nok denne på 1,10 i løpet av dagen :)
Kjøperne er helt fraværende.
Kjøperne er helt fraværende.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:03
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05.06.2018 kl 09:45
15 tusen mannen får nok denne på 1,10 i løpet av dagen :)
Kjøperne er helt fraværende.
Kjøperne er helt fraværende.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:03
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05.06.2018 kl 09:45
1,10 er vel også rådyrt pr i dag.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 05:03
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