Tomra - i hovedrolle på IFAT 2018 i München, 14. - 18.mai

TOM 13.05.2018 kl 23:42 2431

Ja, morgen starter IFAT 2018 i München med Norges superselskap Tomra i en hovedrolle. IFAT er verdens ledende messe når det gjelder resirkulering og avfallshåndtering hvor Tomra har en global markedsandel på 50%!!! Og når det gjelder avanserte, komplette, komplekse systemer sa vel Tomras meget nøkterne og edruelige CEO Stefan Ranstrand noe sånt som at man knapt har konkurranse i det hele tatt, under Q1 2018 i slutten av april. Aller mest interessant i det aktuelle markedsbildet er desperasjonen som nå hersker overalt når det gjelder plastikkavfall, etter at Kina effektivt satte en stopper for så og si all import av plastikkavfall f.o.m. 01.01.2018. Opinionen godtar ikke lenger at dette kastes på søppelfyllinger eller brennes med de skadevirkninger det medfører. Dermed er politikerne pent nødt til å følge etter og de forskjellige nasjoner må heretter håndtere dette plastavfallet selv. Adekvate anlegg og systemer må konstrueres, og når det gjelder teknologi for å sortere plasten er Tomra markedslederen og den eneste som i dag evner å skille de forskjellige plastypene fra hverandre. Dette er en dyd av nødvendighet for at forskjellige plasttyper skal kunne gjenvinnes. Blandinger av forskjellige plasttyper kan ikke gjenvinnes med tilfredsstillende resultat.

Fremtiden er definitivt sirkulær økonomi. Gjengir første avsnitt av Tomras pressemelding i forbindelse med IFAT 2018. Pressemeldingen bør absolutt leses i sin helhet. Hvilken selvtillit man har og hvilken kundebehandling det legges opp til! Her er det bare å la seg imponere. Linker til hjemmesiden til IFAT 2018, webcast fra Tomras Q1 2018 presentasjon og nyheten om Tomras industrielle gjennombrudd innen plastsortering nederst i trådstart.

TOMRA Sorting Recycling will spotlight its sensor-based sorting technologies at IFAT 2018, the world's leading trade fair for environmental technologies, at Messe München, Germany, on May 14-18. The overarching theme of TOMRA's exhibition stand will be 'One planet, one recycling solution' - and the solution is TOMRA because the company designs and manufactures such a wide range of sorting machines.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:54 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.05.2018 kl 10:48 2270

Takk for godt og opplysende innlegg. Håper virkelig media gir dette litt oppmerksomhet.
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:54 Du må logge inn for å svare
14.05.2018 kl 11:11 2263

Takk for meget bra innlegg!
Redigert 21.01.2021 kl 00:54 Du må logge inn for å svare
18.05.2018 kl 14:36 2150

Helt som ventet rapporteres det om kjempeinteresse for det Tomra viste frem under IFAT 2018 i München, som åpnet dørene mandag 14.mai og varte til i dag, fredag 18.mai. Det neste som skjer i kjølvannet av denne verdens største messe i sitt slag, er nok at Tomra mottar enda flere bestillinger, så det rekker. God (lang)helg!!

TOMRA Sorting Recycling announces increased interest in recycling technologies at IFAT 2018

The new regulations, more demanding, and the concern of customers are noted in the consultations received at the most important fair of environmental technologies


TOMRA Sorting Recycling has experienced great interest in its sensor-based classification technologies at IFAT 2018 , the world's largest exhibition on environmental technologies, closed on May 18.

The five-day event, held at Messe München, Germany, attracted more than 130,000 people from almost 200 countries in its latest edition . Many of them visited the TOMRA stand to learn about the latest company classification solutions, exhibited in the "Metal Recycling" and "Residues" sections of the stand, and the expectations of future TOMRA innovations, in the areas of " Circular economy "and" The future ".

Tom Eng , Executive Vice President and Director of Recycling of TOMRA Sorting Recycling, commented: "The large number of professionals in the sector that has attended IFAT 2018 and the high quality of the consultations we have received are clear proof of the growing demand for solutions of classification . This interest is due, in part, to more demanding new regulations, such as the policy of the National Sword of China, but it is also a faithful reflection that there is increasing environmental awareness of consumers.

More and more countries around the world are demanding efficient classification and recycling technologies , and there is a real interest in future advances through innovation.

TOMRA believes that the most important advances in the near future will be increasingly sophisticated artificial intelligence, whose integration into the TOMRA machines is greater than in any other manufacturer.

Pillars of TOMRA innovation

The philosophy of TOMRA is motivated by several questions of innovation, both in the machinery that the company develops and manufactures, and in its vision of a planet with a more sustainable future.

Technological innovation continues to be the core of TOMRA Recycling . A recent example of this pillar is the new TOMRA system of Object Detection by Laser (LOD) , capable of detecting material that near infrared (NIR) technology can not identify or classify. This is how the recycling of waste and scrap reaches purity levels unthinkable until now, an advantage that is even more necessary now that China has presented its demanding policy of the National Sword, which prohibits the importation of 24 types of solid waste, including several Plastics and paper mix without sorting. Another recent example of TOMRA's technological innovation is the AUTOSORT BLACK , the first machine that recovers black polymers with economic value from packaging material or packaging.

Another of the pillars of innovation are the revolutionary advances in a wide range of applications. A good example of this is the way in which TOMRA Sorting Solutions has improved the AUTOSORT to make it possible to separate monolayer PET trays from bottles . This new application improves the previous capacity of the AUTOSORT to separate multilayer trays.

By continuing to dedicate itself to the future of innovation, TOMRA has made great strides to further improve its approach to digital customer support. To demonstrate this, the advisory position dedicated to the "Future" of the stand that TOMRA has had at IFAT allowed visitors to interact with data in real time through TOMRA Insight . This sophisticated telematic software system offers customers remote information in real time about the management and operation of their recycling machines.

The circular economy continues to drive TOMRA's commitment to a sustainable future. As proof of this, TOMRA joined in 2017 the New Plastics Economy , a three-year initiative promoted by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation. This initiative brings together businesses, governments, scientists and ordinary citizens to accelerate the transition to a global system of plastic guided by the principles of the circular economy.
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