Ny anklage mot høyesterettsdommer Kavanough

BBBB 15.09.2019 kl 10:00 1139

Ser ut som han har vært ute å viftet med snabben både i tide og utide. Nå vil vel mange si at dette ikke er alvorlige anklager og det er jeg forsåvidt enig i. Det alvorligste er vel at han isåfall har løyet til kongressen. Også litt rart at ikke en eneste en av de 25 vitnene, som kunne bekrefte den tidligere omtalte Ramirez saken, ble intervjuet av Senatet eller FBI.

A New York Times investigation into Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s time at Yale University has uncovered another allegation of sexual misconduct that was previously unreported. Max Stier, a Yale classmate of Kavanaugh in the 1980s, reportedly said he saw Kavanaugh with his pants down at a dorm party where his friends pushed his penis into the hand of a female student. Stier notified senators and the FBI about the incident but it was not investigated, according to the Times, which cited two officials who have spoken to Stier about his account. Stier’s story echoes that of Deborah Ramirez, who came forward during Kavanaugh’s confirmation process alleging that he had pulled down his pants and thrust his penis at her during another party.

During his Senate testimony, Kavanaugh, who has denied the sexual misconduct allegations against him, said that if Ramirez’s story were true, it would have been “the talk of campus.” The Times cites several people who had indeed heard of the incident, with two classmates saying they had heard about it from fellow classmates just days after the party occurred. Any investigation into Ramirez’s account was limited by strict limits set by the Republican-controlled Senate. Of the 25 individuals that could corroborate Ramirez’s story, and who were directly provided to the FBI by her legal team, none were interviewed.

21.09.2019 kl 18:49 137

Du koker suppe på en spiker.
28.09.2019 kl 16:45 121

Denne saken var jo sååååå ille,men kokte også bort i kålen da nyt.com jo ‘glemte’ å skrive at hun som angivelig var ‘offeret’
selv ikke husker saken og ikke vil gi intervjuer......
Lite substans i det meste haterne og media løper i flokk etter,og dette mønsteret er jo blitt svært så tydelig.....og avslørende.