Tomra - BREAKING NEWS. "All in" pantesystem i hele Storbritannia
Fantastiske nyheter for Tomra! Storbritannias miljøvernminister Michael Gove offentliggjorde i dag at Storbritannia følger Skottland og går for et "all in° pantesystem i hele øyriket. Dette er helt fantastiske nyheter for Norges superselskap Tomra Systems som garantert får den store hovedrollen i dette enorme prestisjeprosjektet for britiske politikere. Det finnes rett og slett ikke andre kandidater som innehar de nødvendige kvalifikasjoner til den rollen. Skottenes system skal være oppe og gå sent i 2020 eller tidlig i 2021. Nå er det bare å vente på nyheten om at tidspunktet for oppstart av pantesystemet for resten av Storbritannia (England, Wales og Nord-Irland) vil bli forsert og kommer før tidligere planlagt oppstart i 2023. Storbritannias pantesystem vil betjene mer en 60 millioner innbyggere!
Michael Gove: Time running out to stop damage to planet
By Justin Rowlatt
Chief environment correspondent
16 July 2019
Great incentive
Mr Gove announced that he favours an "all in" deposit return recycling scheme that would cover all sizes of bottles.
This would give the public "the greatest possible incentive" to recycle, he told the audience at Kew.
Large retailers have lobbied against such a scheme, warning it could cost as much as £1bn to administer.
But deposit schemes in Europe have boosted recycling. The idea is that a deposit - a few pence - would be added to the price of a drink.
The deposit is paid back when empties are returned to retailers.
Gove backs ‘all-in’ drinks deposit return scheme
16th July 2019 Chris Ogden
Environment secretary Michael Gove outlined his personal support for an ‘all-in’ Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) today (July 16), which would cover drinks containers of all sizes and materials including aluminium cans, glass and plastic bottles, and paper cartons.
Mr Gove said that introducing a more comprehensive DRS would give people the strongest financial and social incentives to recycle their drinks containers.
In his speech, Gove said: ‘The government’s waste reduction partner, WRAP, has persuasively argued that the deeper that deposit return schemes drill into the value chain – extending to cover full life cycle costs under producer responsibility, and an “all-in” standard – the clearer the financial and social signal will be to recycle.
‘We need to work with business to make deposit return schemes as effective as possible and I believe an “all-in” model will give consumers the greatest possible incentive to recycle.’
Michael Gove: Time running out to stop damage to planet
By Justin Rowlatt
Chief environment correspondent
16 July 2019
Great incentive
Mr Gove announced that he favours an "all in" deposit return recycling scheme that would cover all sizes of bottles.
This would give the public "the greatest possible incentive" to recycle, he told the audience at Kew.
Large retailers have lobbied against such a scheme, warning it could cost as much as £1bn to administer.
But deposit schemes in Europe have boosted recycling. The idea is that a deposit - a few pence - would be added to the price of a drink.
The deposit is paid back when empties are returned to retailers.
Gove backs ‘all-in’ drinks deposit return scheme
16th July 2019 Chris Ogden
Environment secretary Michael Gove outlined his personal support for an ‘all-in’ Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) today (July 16), which would cover drinks containers of all sizes and materials including aluminium cans, glass and plastic bottles, and paper cartons.
Mr Gove said that introducing a more comprehensive DRS would give people the strongest financial and social incentives to recycle their drinks containers.
In his speech, Gove said: ‘The government’s waste reduction partner, WRAP, has persuasively argued that the deeper that deposit return schemes drill into the value chain – extending to cover full life cycle costs under producer responsibility, and an “all-in” standard – the clearer the financial and social signal will be to recycle.
‘We need to work with business to make deposit return schemes as effective as possible and I believe an “all-in” model will give consumers the greatest possible incentive to recycle.’
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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17.07.2019 kl 06:09
Fantastisk!!! Dette blir et kjempemarked for TOMRA. 10 tusener av maskiner vil leveres fra Tomra i UK. Og husk at dette er bare en begynnelse på hva som kommer i resten av Europa/Verden!!! :-)
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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17.07.2019 kl 10:36
Helt klart KanonBra5. Konkret når det gjelder Europa, vet vi at Tomra allerede er i gang med pilot i Portugal og at Frankrike har startet atbeidet med sitt kommende pantesystem. Det er stor sannsynlighet for at disse ikke vil komme opp med noen dårligere enn britene. En sunn konkurranse! Det er all grunn til å hylle den skotske regjeringen her. Det var de som dro i gang det hele ved å gå for et "all in" pantesystem og med det talte de lobbyvirksomheten til sterke kommersielle krefter som ville vanne ut systemet, midt imot. Sånn sett satte skottene et fantastisk eksempel for alle de andre som nå følger etter. Ekstremt bra for kloden. Super dupert for Tomra.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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17.07.2019 kl 10:42
Vanskelig å skjønne hvor stort dette faktisk kan bli. Et nytt norsk industrieventyr? Personelig tror jeg Tomra så vidt har startet
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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17.07.2019 kl 11:03
Meget gode nyheter for miljø og Tomra! Spørmålet er om Tomra vil klare å håndtere veksten selv, eller må inngå ytterligere allianser/JVs, eller rett å slett bli kjøpt opp av ett av de større selskapene som kan lage ytterligere synergier?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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17.07.2019 kl 11:58
Du kan så si UngSpiler. I tillegg til pantemaskiner hvor Tomra er helt dominant med ca. 80% global markedsandel, er jo Tomra også soleklar global markedsleder innen "sorting recycling" (60%!!!) samt klar global markedsleder innen "sorting food"' og "sorting mining". Da er selskapets 4 forretningsområder nevnt...
Hadde ikke skadet om norsk næringslivspresse begynte å vise litt interesse for selskapet. Er det ikke litt på tide liksom...?
Hadde ikke skadet om norsk næringslivspresse begynte å vise litt interesse for selskapet. Er det ikke litt på tide liksom...?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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17.07.2019 kl 13:21
Interessante refleksjoner du bringer til torgs her Reflect. CFO Espen Gundersen berørte da også denne problematikken i forbindelse med et spørsmål under Q & A etter Q1 2019 presentasjonen i mai. Han sa vel noen sånt som at når Tomra betaler ut et ekstra utbytte på 2 kroner (i tillegg til ordinært utbytte på 2.50) for 2018, kan det kanskje være grunn til å tro at aksjonærene ville være positivt innstilt hvis selskapet skulle komme til å be om penger et par år frem i tid hvis selskapet landet så store prosjekter at krav til kapital ville være ditto. Gundersen konkretiserte ikke, men hadde han kanskje pantesystem i Kina e.l. kolossprosjekter i tankene, mon tro?
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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17.07.2019 kl 13:28
Jeg tror alle ville vært med i en slik emisjon, men en større aktør kan kanskje løfte selskapet og den unike teknologien mye mer til enda større glede for oss aksjonærer.
Sitter med god lott i TOM!
Sitter med god lott i TOM!
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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17.07.2019 kl 13:40
Har klokkertro på at ledelsen forvalter verdiene til det beste for oss aksjonærer. CEO Stefan Ranstrand har vel også vært inne på at Tomra ikke kommer til å gjøre alt alene og at vi vil komme til å få se strategiske allianser fremover. Er full av beundring for det man utretter, og liker særlig godt at man ikke hviler på sine laurbær, men satser knallhardt på research & development for å forsvare/øke sine, mildt sagt, imponerende globale markedsandeler innen alle selskapets fire forretningsområder.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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17.07.2019 kl 14:46
Svenske Investment AB Latour er jo største eier i dag og har bevist sin stabilitet over riktig mange år. Svenske Hans Stefan Ranstrand har vist sin kjærlighet til Tomra og bevist sin klokskap i snart 10 år. 10 års jubileum i Tomra i neste mnd.
Hva vil skje hvis det kom inn en ny stor eier i Tomra? Hvorfor forsøke å reparere noe som fungerer så godt? Flere kokker mer søl.
Hvis Tomra trenger penger til investeringer så syns jeg det eneste riktige er at dagens aksjonærer stiller opp + økning av obligasjonslån tilsvarende. Skulle vel ikke være så vanskelig og hente inn noen milliarder med litt fleksibilitet og samarbeid? Nå vet jeg ikke planene til Tomra, men hvis 4 milliarder hjelper så skulle vel ikke det være så vanskelig å skaffe blant dagens aksjonærer og finansielle samarbeidspartnere.
Hva vil skje hvis det kom inn en ny stor eier i Tomra? Hvorfor forsøke å reparere noe som fungerer så godt? Flere kokker mer søl.
Hvis Tomra trenger penger til investeringer så syns jeg det eneste riktige er at dagens aksjonærer stiller opp + økning av obligasjonslån tilsvarende. Skulle vel ikke være så vanskelig og hente inn noen milliarder med litt fleksibilitet og samarbeid? Nå vet jeg ikke planene til Tomra, men hvis 4 milliarder hjelper så skulle vel ikke det være så vanskelig å skaffe blant dagens aksjonærer og finansielle samarbeidspartnere.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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17.07.2019 kl 23:32
"Managing Director of TOMRA Collection Solutions UK & Ireland" Truls Haug er naturlig nok en fornøyd mann i dag.
Environment Secretary’s Backing of Comprehensive Deposit Return Scheme Welcomed
2019-07-17 12:52:04
Tuesday’s announcement by the UK’s Environment Secretary Michael Gove that he is backing a comprehensive Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) for drinks containers has been welcomed by reverse vending machine manufacturer, TOMRA Collection Solutions.
Tuesday’s announcement by the UK’s Environment Secretary Michael Gove that he is backing a comprehensive Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) for drinks containers has been welcomed by reverse vending machine manufacturer, TOMRA Collection Solutions.
In possibly his last major speech as Environment Secretary, Gove threw his weight behind an ‘all-in’ recycling system that covers every size of drinks bottle and cans across a broad range of packaging materials. Speaking at Kew Gardens he said:
“We need to work with business to make deposit return schemes as effective as possible and I believe an “all-in” deposit return scheme will give consumers the greatest possible incentive to recycle…
“We will ensure producers pay the full cost of disposing of their packaging. At the moment, producers currently pay only 10% of the cost of household waste. We will make them responsible for 100% of the net cost incurred in dealing with their waste.”
Managing Director of TOMRA Collection Solutions UK & Ireland Truls Haug welcomed the speech:
“It is fantastic to see the case for a comprehensive deposit return scheme for bottles gathering pace with Mr Gove’s fresh backing.
“We fully support his belief that an ‘all-in’ scheme covering the full range of sizes and materials would give ‘a clearer financial and social signal to recycle’ while underlining the message that urgent action is required in order to combat climate change.
“It’s particularly pleasing that England is taking a similar approach to Scotland, which has taken a lead on DRS in recent times with its circular economy strategy that aims to keep resources in use for as long as possible.
“We firmly believe that a comprehensive DRS model that is convenient and easy to use will achieve the best return rates.
“The system safeguards material quality, ensuring containers can be recycled back into new bottles and cans - reducing the reliance on the raw materials needed to make new containers, and waste ending up in landfills or in nature as litter.”
TOMRA added that it has already operated a number of deposit return trials with retailers across the UK and is ready to assist businesses as they prepare themselves for the introduction of a DRS.
Environment Secretary’s Backing of Comprehensive Deposit Return Scheme Welcomed
2019-07-17 12:52:04
Tuesday’s announcement by the UK’s Environment Secretary Michael Gove that he is backing a comprehensive Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) for drinks containers has been welcomed by reverse vending machine manufacturer, TOMRA Collection Solutions.
Tuesday’s announcement by the UK’s Environment Secretary Michael Gove that he is backing a comprehensive Deposit Return Scheme (DRS) for drinks containers has been welcomed by reverse vending machine manufacturer, TOMRA Collection Solutions.
In possibly his last major speech as Environment Secretary, Gove threw his weight behind an ‘all-in’ recycling system that covers every size of drinks bottle and cans across a broad range of packaging materials. Speaking at Kew Gardens he said:
“We need to work with business to make deposit return schemes as effective as possible and I believe an “all-in” deposit return scheme will give consumers the greatest possible incentive to recycle…
“We will ensure producers pay the full cost of disposing of their packaging. At the moment, producers currently pay only 10% of the cost of household waste. We will make them responsible for 100% of the net cost incurred in dealing with their waste.”
Managing Director of TOMRA Collection Solutions UK & Ireland Truls Haug welcomed the speech:
“It is fantastic to see the case for a comprehensive deposit return scheme for bottles gathering pace with Mr Gove’s fresh backing.
“We fully support his belief that an ‘all-in’ scheme covering the full range of sizes and materials would give ‘a clearer financial and social signal to recycle’ while underlining the message that urgent action is required in order to combat climate change.
“It’s particularly pleasing that England is taking a similar approach to Scotland, which has taken a lead on DRS in recent times with its circular economy strategy that aims to keep resources in use for as long as possible.
“We firmly believe that a comprehensive DRS model that is convenient and easy to use will achieve the best return rates.
“The system safeguards material quality, ensuring containers can be recycled back into new bottles and cans - reducing the reliance on the raw materials needed to make new containers, and waste ending up in landfills or in nature as litter.”
TOMRA added that it has already operated a number of deposit return trials with retailers across the UK and is ready to assist businesses as they prepare themselves for the introduction of a DRS.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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18.07.2019 kl 07:14
Vi har noen gode dager/måneder/år foran oss ;-)
Q2 i morgen :-)
Q2 i morgen :-)
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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18.07.2019 kl 09:08
Fortsatt mange underlige aksjonærer i denne.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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18.07.2019 kl 09:18
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Vest-Australias nye panteordning lanseres 2. juni 2020, ifølge en melding fra myndighetene torsdag.
Det vil bli plassert mer enn 170 refusjonspunkter over hele staten før lanseringsdatoen og hver godkjente drikkevarer gir en refusjon på 10 australske dollar cent, opplyses det.
TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
Oslo (TDN Direkt): Vest-Australias nye panteordning lanseres 2. juni 2020, ifølge en melding fra myndighetene torsdag.
Det vil bli plassert mer enn 170 refusjonspunkter over hele staten før lanseringsdatoen og hver godkjente drikkevarer gir en refusjon på 10 australske dollar cent, opplyses det.
TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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18.07.2019 kl 09:23
I disse grønne tider, så forventer jeg en heftig guiding fra selskapet i morgen. I tillegg er det rart at selskapet ikke greier å få frem sin markedsposisjon i media i større grad. Som land, så burde nordmenn blitt opplyst at vi har et selskap i Norge som gjør en bragd for miljøet. For folk flest, så er Tomra et ukjent merkenavn.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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18.07.2019 kl 09:38
En aksje med alt det fundamentale på plass, hadde rørt langt mer på seg med tanke på forventninger omkring den grønne bølgen som skyller over verden. Den har jo faktisk falt nesten 10% fra forrige topp, på tross av at det snart lanseres panteordninger over hele kloden. Plast og sortering av det er kanskje den tingen det fokuseres mest på av alt "grønt", og Tomra er en av markedslederne. I tillegg til alt annet positivt Tomra gjør innen sortering osv. Likevel er selskapet anonymt som bare det.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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18.07.2019 kl 10:59
Føler vel litt at du retter baker for smed her moneymschine. Analytikerne har kåret Tomra til Nordens beste på finansiell kommunikasjon. Tomra børsmelder og pressemelder og får mye omtale i media "ute" mens det "hjemme" er mest stille selv om TU har begynt å skrive en del om Tomra i det siste, riktignok bak betalingsmur. Tomra er et teknologi-/industriselskap, ikke et presseorgan så etter min mening er det DN m.fl. som er riktig adressat når det gjelder din kritikk. Retter du den dit, er jeg helt enig med deg.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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18.07.2019 kl 11:16
Den for Tomra helt fantastiske nyheten denne tråden handler om, reflekteres helt klart ikke i kursutviklingen, for at Gove følger skottene og går for et "all in" pantesystem i hele Storbritannia til tross for intens lobbyvirksomhet imot fra mektige aktører, er nemlig intet mindre enn fantastisk for Tomra da dette også garantert kommer til å være retningsgivende for det som kommer til å skje i EUs mange nasjoner og resten av verden. Personlig har jeg imidlertid ingen planer om å selge aksjer på kort sikt. Er veldig sterk i troen her og ditto tålmodig.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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18.07.2019 kl 12:58
Jeg har sittet med denne lenge jeg også, nettopp på grunn av at den er en grønn aksje.
For mannen i gata er det noen få som kjenner til flaskeautomaten Tomra. Jevnt over er det ingen som vet at disse leveres av et verdensledende norsk selskap. At de kåres av analytikere hjelper ikke. På lik linje med fiskeoppdrett og olje-/oljeservice, så må Norge og verden få øynene opp for merkevaren Tomra. Nordmenn må bli stolte over at vi har et slikt selskap i vårt land. Relatert til det er markedsavdelingen i Tomra anonym.
For mannen i gata er det noen få som kjenner til flaskeautomaten Tomra. Jevnt over er det ingen som vet at disse leveres av et verdensledende norsk selskap. At de kåres av analytikere hjelper ikke. På lik linje med fiskeoppdrett og olje-/oljeservice, så må Norge og verden få øynene opp for merkevaren Tomra. Nordmenn må bli stolte over at vi har et slikt selskap i vårt land. Relatert til det er markedsavdelingen i Tomra anonym.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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18.07.2019 kl 13:30
Jeg også forstår agendaen med at "de store" får støvsugd markedet gjennom flere forskjellige aktører, innen de virkelige store meldingene tikker inn. Likevel mener jeg at 10% ned på dette nivået er totalt feil, når ikke engang markedet har korrigert 10%. I tillegg er de ikke i en bransje som har negative utsikter, så TOM burde være en nødhavn for alle som vil bort fra aksjer som har tatt ut potensialet og har kortere utsikter.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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18.07.2019 kl 13:32
Nei, nei, nei. ;)
Som sagt er det ikke Tomra som svikter sin oppgave her. Utenlandske medier plukker opp pressemeldinger m.m. og skriver om Tomra. Mye av dette postes jo på dette forumet. Det er norsk presse som svikter kapitalt når de ikke omtaler selskapets betydning, suksess og potensial. Du har nok helt rett i at 999 av 1 000 nordmenn tror Tomra er pantemaskiner, punktum.
Det kan jo være litt interessant å spekulere rundt hva som kommer til å skje når kunnskapen om hele selskapets virksomhet når "mainstream"... Den dagen kommer (snart)!
Som sagt er det ikke Tomra som svikter sin oppgave her. Utenlandske medier plukker opp pressemeldinger m.m. og skriver om Tomra. Mye av dette postes jo på dette forumet. Det er norsk presse som svikter kapitalt når de ikke omtaler selskapets betydning, suksess og potensial. Du har nok helt rett i at 999 av 1 000 nordmenn tror Tomra er pantemaskiner, punktum.
Det kan jo være litt interessant å spekulere rundt hva som kommer til å skje når kunnskapen om hele selskapets virksomhet når "mainstream"... Den dagen kommer (snart)!
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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24.07.2019 kl 17:51
Skottland og resten av Storbritannia viser vei for EUs mange nasjoner ved å gå for "all in" pantesystem. Ikke rart Truls Haug, "Managing Director of TOMRA Collection Solutions UK & Ireland" er en fornøyd mann. Alt går Tomras vei! Artig.
Home Industry News
TOMRA welcomes feedback on Defra DRS consultation
by Tom Walker
24 July 2019 15:34
The summary of results from Defra’s consultation into a DRS for England, Wales, and Northern Ireland has been welcomed by world-leading reverse vending company, TOMRA Collection Solutions.
Feedback from the consultation, which took place between February and May of this year and received more than 208,000 responses, showed strong public backing for an all-in DRS model
Truls Haug, Managing Director of TOMRA Collection Solutions UK & Ireland, said: “It is very encouraging to see such a groundswell of support from the public for a comprehensive DRS in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, with 84 per cent of respondents agreeing with the proposed principles.”
“We are pleased to see strong backing for the inclusion of a broad range of materials. Including PET, cans, and glass, in the scheme to allow the biggest positive impact on the environment.”
“69 per cent of respondents indicated that they favour an all-in model including larger containers, as opposed to on-the-go only, which we are delighted to see.”
“The Government has indicated that this could mean all containers up to three litres in size are included, which is very positive as we strongly believe that a comprehensive DRS model that is convenient and easy to use will achieve the best return rates and increase high quality recycling.”
“The Government has stated in its summary that its ambition is to strive for regulatory consistency across the UK when it comes to DRS. This is promising given the Scottish Government has already laid out its plans for a comprehensive all-in model, with a deposit amount designed to be as incentivising as possible.”
“Based on our global experience we believe a DRS will help see the return of over 90 per cent of drinks containers for recycling within just two years of the scheme being introduce in the UK, and we are pleased to see that timings for the roll-out of a DRS remain on track for 2023.”
“We look forward to the next stage in the process and to hearing further details of the planned scheme.”
Home Industry News
TOMRA welcomes feedback on Defra DRS consultation
by Tom Walker
24 July 2019 15:34
The summary of results from Defra’s consultation into a DRS for England, Wales, and Northern Ireland has been welcomed by world-leading reverse vending company, TOMRA Collection Solutions.
Feedback from the consultation, which took place between February and May of this year and received more than 208,000 responses, showed strong public backing for an all-in DRS model
Truls Haug, Managing Director of TOMRA Collection Solutions UK & Ireland, said: “It is very encouraging to see such a groundswell of support from the public for a comprehensive DRS in England, Wales, and Northern Ireland, with 84 per cent of respondents agreeing with the proposed principles.”
“We are pleased to see strong backing for the inclusion of a broad range of materials. Including PET, cans, and glass, in the scheme to allow the biggest positive impact on the environment.”
“69 per cent of respondents indicated that they favour an all-in model including larger containers, as opposed to on-the-go only, which we are delighted to see.”
“The Government has indicated that this could mean all containers up to three litres in size are included, which is very positive as we strongly believe that a comprehensive DRS model that is convenient and easy to use will achieve the best return rates and increase high quality recycling.”
“The Government has stated in its summary that its ambition is to strive for regulatory consistency across the UK when it comes to DRS. This is promising given the Scottish Government has already laid out its plans for a comprehensive all-in model, with a deposit amount designed to be as incentivising as possible.”
“Based on our global experience we believe a DRS will help see the return of over 90 per cent of drinks containers for recycling within just two years of the scheme being introduce in the UK, and we are pleased to see that timings for the roll-out of a DRS remain on track for 2023.”
“We look forward to the next stage in the process and to hearing further details of the planned scheme.”
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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28.07.2019 kl 22:07
Daily Mail m.fl. rapporterer at en meningsmåling viser at et overveldende flertall av britene støtter forslaget til avtroppende miljøvernminisister Michael Gove om å følge skottenes eksempel og inføre et "all in" pantesystem i hele Storbritannia.
How nearly three in four Britons now want a bottle deposit and refund scheme to tackle plastic waste
* Poll found 72 per cent of the population support a deposit and refund scheme
* Currently only about four in ten of estimated 35m plastic bottles are recycled
* Germany achieved recycling rates of more than nine in ten using refund scheme
PUBLISHED: 00:54 BST, 27 July 2019 | UPDATED: 00:59 BST, 27 July
An overwhelming majority of Britons back having a bottle deposit scheme to tackle plastic waste.
A poll found 72 per cent of the population support the introduction of a deposit and refund scheme (DRS).
The same proportion believe England and Wales should match the scheme that is proposed for Scotland that covers metal and glass drinks bottles as well as plastic.
The findings are a vindication of the Daily Mail’s efforts to highlight the dangers of plastic waste dating back more than ten years, including the Turn The Tide On Plastic campaign.
Currently, only about four in ten of the estimated 35million plastic bottles and 20million aluminium cans used daily are collected and recycled. As many as 700,000 end up littering the streets every day.
By contrast, in other European countries such as Norway and Germany recycling rates of more than nine in ten are achieved using full deposit return schemes.
The survey was commissioned by the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE), which is among a raft of charities, green groups, businesses and retailers backing the idea.
The poll will put pressure on the new Boris Johnson Government to follow through on pledges to introduce DRS, which were made by Michael Gove at the end of his tenure as Environment Secretary earlier this week. His successor Theresa Villiers is expected to push ahead with the idea.
As things stand, the Government has indicated DRS will be introduced by 2023. However Scotland is expected to launch a scheme – involving a returnable fee of 20p – sooner.
Earlier this month, the CPRE reported that an ‘all-in’ deposit return system covering all forms of drinks container could generate £2billion for the economy over ten years.
This boost would come from a reduction in the amount of waste sent to landfill, fewer littered drinks containers and less of their associated clean-up costs, reduced air and water pollution, and less carbon emissions caused by the extraction and production of raw materials needed to produce new drinks containers.
Maddy Haughton-Boakes, of the CPRE, said: ‘It’s absolutely fantastic that so many people have shown such high levels of support for the scheme before it’s even been introduced.
‘A deposit return system will transform the way we deal with waste, boost recycling and, as a result, finally put a stop to the harm that drinks containers are causing our countryside, environment and wildlife. We urge Theresa Villiers to hit the ground running in her new role as Environment Secretary.
‘She must... introduce the most effective system in the world – one that includes every single drinks bottle, can, carton or pouch of every size and material – and not give in to attempts to water down the system for vested corporate interests.’
How nearly three in four Britons now want a bottle deposit and refund scheme to tackle plastic waste
* Poll found 72 per cent of the population support a deposit and refund scheme
* Currently only about four in ten of estimated 35m plastic bottles are recycled
* Germany achieved recycling rates of more than nine in ten using refund scheme
PUBLISHED: 00:54 BST, 27 July 2019 | UPDATED: 00:59 BST, 27 July
An overwhelming majority of Britons back having a bottle deposit scheme to tackle plastic waste.
A poll found 72 per cent of the population support the introduction of a deposit and refund scheme (DRS).
The same proportion believe England and Wales should match the scheme that is proposed for Scotland that covers metal and glass drinks bottles as well as plastic.
The findings are a vindication of the Daily Mail’s efforts to highlight the dangers of plastic waste dating back more than ten years, including the Turn The Tide On Plastic campaign.
Currently, only about four in ten of the estimated 35million plastic bottles and 20million aluminium cans used daily are collected and recycled. As many as 700,000 end up littering the streets every day.
By contrast, in other European countries such as Norway and Germany recycling rates of more than nine in ten are achieved using full deposit return schemes.
The survey was commissioned by the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE), which is among a raft of charities, green groups, businesses and retailers backing the idea.
The poll will put pressure on the new Boris Johnson Government to follow through on pledges to introduce DRS, which were made by Michael Gove at the end of his tenure as Environment Secretary earlier this week. His successor Theresa Villiers is expected to push ahead with the idea.
As things stand, the Government has indicated DRS will be introduced by 2023. However Scotland is expected to launch a scheme – involving a returnable fee of 20p – sooner.
Earlier this month, the CPRE reported that an ‘all-in’ deposit return system covering all forms of drinks container could generate £2billion for the economy over ten years.
This boost would come from a reduction in the amount of waste sent to landfill, fewer littered drinks containers and less of their associated clean-up costs, reduced air and water pollution, and less carbon emissions caused by the extraction and production of raw materials needed to produce new drinks containers.
Maddy Haughton-Boakes, of the CPRE, said: ‘It’s absolutely fantastic that so many people have shown such high levels of support for the scheme before it’s even been introduced.
‘A deposit return system will transform the way we deal with waste, boost recycling and, as a result, finally put a stop to the harm that drinks containers are causing our countryside, environment and wildlife. We urge Theresa Villiers to hit the ground running in her new role as Environment Secretary.
‘She must... introduce the most effective system in the world – one that includes every single drinks bottle, can, carton or pouch of every size and material – and not give in to attempts to water down the system for vested corporate interests.’
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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29.07.2019 kl 07:32
Dette blir stort. Tommelen opp for TOMRA og britenes mening om saken!!
Blir nok en spennende TOMRA uke !!! ;-)
Blir nok en spennende TOMRA uke !!! ;-)
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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29.07.2019 kl 16:22
Nok en uke? Tomra er en flott bedrift men aldeles ikke spennende på børs i disse begredelige sommermåneder. Her må man nok være langsiktig det er sikkert. 👍
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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29.07.2019 kl 22:03
2 anbefalinger på TOMRA i dag. Vi har nok noen flotte uker/måneder foran oss ;-)
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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26.08.2019 kl 22:56
Flere supermarkedkjeder i Storbritannia kjører piloter med pantemaskiner fra Tomra og andre produsenter utplassert i utvalgte forretninger. Supermarkedkjeden Iceland som denne artikkelen handler om, prøver ut pantemaskiner fra Tomra, ifølge CEO Stefan Ranstrand under kvartalspresentasjon. Som dere kan lese, er Iceland meget begeistret over det man har erfart til nå.
Iceland Hails Success Of Reverse Vending For Plastic Bottles
23rd August 2019
Iceland has called on the government to push ahead with plans to introduce a national deposit return scheme (DRS) for plastic bottles following the success of trials within its stores.
The retailer revealed that it has recycled more than 1 million plastic bottles since May last year when it rolled reverse vending machines to five stores located across the UK.
It also highlighted that the trial had received “extremely positively” feedback from its customers, with 96% of shoppers believing DRS should be extended to all retailers.
Motivated by environmental concerns, Iceland found that two thirds of customers were using the machines at least once a fortnight, and 75% believed the introduction of 20p deposits on plastic bottles would be a good idea.
Richard Walker, Managing Director at Iceland, commented: “The results from our reverse vending machine trials highlight the growing demand from consumers to have a deposit return scheme introduced across the UK.
“Iceland was the first retailer to trial reverse vending machines and we believe the customer feedback we have received shows that our simple model of accepting all sizes of plastic drinks bottle – and extending this to include drinks cans – is the only sensible way to roll out a deposit return scheme nationally.”
He added: “We have more than 950 stores across the UK and with the support of the government we could fit a reverse vending machine in every one of our stores. With over 1 million bottles returned to just five of our stores, the positive environmental impact of having machines across the UK would be phenomenal.”
Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, and the Co-op have all been testing reverse vending machine in their stores amid an increasing drive by the retail industry to reduce single use plastic waste and improve recycling rates.
Environment Secretary Michael Gove recently revealed that the government was moving forward with plans for ‘all-in’ deposit return scheme that would require retailers to take back plastic drinks bottles, aluminium and steel cans and glass bottles, with no limits on the size of the container that can be returned. However, retail bodies have warned that such as a scheme would place a costly burden on smaller, local shops.
Iceland Hails Success Of Reverse Vending For Plastic Bottles
23rd August 2019
Iceland has called on the government to push ahead with plans to introduce a national deposit return scheme (DRS) for plastic bottles following the success of trials within its stores.
The retailer revealed that it has recycled more than 1 million plastic bottles since May last year when it rolled reverse vending machines to five stores located across the UK.
It also highlighted that the trial had received “extremely positively” feedback from its customers, with 96% of shoppers believing DRS should be extended to all retailers.
Motivated by environmental concerns, Iceland found that two thirds of customers were using the machines at least once a fortnight, and 75% believed the introduction of 20p deposits on plastic bottles would be a good idea.
Richard Walker, Managing Director at Iceland, commented: “The results from our reverse vending machine trials highlight the growing demand from consumers to have a deposit return scheme introduced across the UK.
“Iceland was the first retailer to trial reverse vending machines and we believe the customer feedback we have received shows that our simple model of accepting all sizes of plastic drinks bottle – and extending this to include drinks cans – is the only sensible way to roll out a deposit return scheme nationally.”
He added: “We have more than 950 stores across the UK and with the support of the government we could fit a reverse vending machine in every one of our stores. With over 1 million bottles returned to just five of our stores, the positive environmental impact of having machines across the UK would be phenomenal.”
Morrisons, Tesco, Sainsbury’s, and the Co-op have all been testing reverse vending machine in their stores amid an increasing drive by the retail industry to reduce single use plastic waste and improve recycling rates.
Environment Secretary Michael Gove recently revealed that the government was moving forward with plans for ‘all-in’ deposit return scheme that would require retailers to take back plastic drinks bottles, aluminium and steel cans and glass bottles, with no limits on the size of the container that can be returned. However, retail bodies have warned that such as a scheme would place a costly burden on smaller, local shops.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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28.08.2019 kl 22:42
Også i Nord-Irland er gode krefter ivrige etter å komme i gang med pantesystem.
Home › News › Northern Ireland
Ex-minister calls for bottle return scheme to help environment
By Donna Deeney
August 27 2019
Former Environment Minister Mark H Durkan has proposed a cash incentive for the return of glass bottles as an environment-saving initiative.
The SDLP Foyle MLA is due to meet with Derry and Strabane Council and the Northern Ireland Environment Agency to explore the possibility.
Mr Durkan said that while some people are conscientious about recycling glass bottles, they are still in the minority.
He said: "I am looking for local government to show leadership and to see what can be done in individual council areas.
"Derry City and Strabane District Council have already led the way with some environmental initiatives and I believe they have a great opportunity to do so again.
"Our throw-away culture is completely unsustainable and our planet is bearing the brunt of it. Recent years have witnessed a growing realisation that actions must be taken by governments, businesses and individuals to address the damage being done to our environment.
"We should be building on the success of the innovative carrier bag levy which has dramatically reduced the amount of plastic swimming in our rivers and strewn in our hedgerows.
"I know a lot of people use bottle banks and recycle their glass but sadly they are still in the minority and this scheme would be an incentive for others."
Mr Durkan said the scheme would work for recycling glass bottles, but he hopes that if it does receive backing it could be extended to include other materials.
He added: "The next big offender we need to tackle is single-use drink containers.
"Empty bottles and cans make up a substantial percentage of the litter on our streets and in our countryside.
"As Environment Minister, I explored the possibility of implementing a deposit return scheme in Northern Ireland, having seen their benefits in other countries.
"Unfortunately, my attempts were met with some resistance, politically and commercially.
"However, I believe that, even in the few years since, things have changed. Businesses realise the importance of and indeed the opportunities created by going beyond environmental compliance.
"The British Government has recently carried out a consultation on a deposit return scheme.
"Scotland is moving ahead with theirs and again we in the north run the risk of being left behind - particularly in the absence of a government to drive this forward."
Belfast Telegraph
Home › News › Northern Ireland
Ex-minister calls for bottle return scheme to help environment
By Donna Deeney
August 27 2019
Former Environment Minister Mark H Durkan has proposed a cash incentive for the return of glass bottles as an environment-saving initiative.
The SDLP Foyle MLA is due to meet with Derry and Strabane Council and the Northern Ireland Environment Agency to explore the possibility.
Mr Durkan said that while some people are conscientious about recycling glass bottles, they are still in the minority.
He said: "I am looking for local government to show leadership and to see what can be done in individual council areas.
"Derry City and Strabane District Council have already led the way with some environmental initiatives and I believe they have a great opportunity to do so again.
"Our throw-away culture is completely unsustainable and our planet is bearing the brunt of it. Recent years have witnessed a growing realisation that actions must be taken by governments, businesses and individuals to address the damage being done to our environment.
"We should be building on the success of the innovative carrier bag levy which has dramatically reduced the amount of plastic swimming in our rivers and strewn in our hedgerows.
"I know a lot of people use bottle banks and recycle their glass but sadly they are still in the minority and this scheme would be an incentive for others."
Mr Durkan said the scheme would work for recycling glass bottles, but he hopes that if it does receive backing it could be extended to include other materials.
He added: "The next big offender we need to tackle is single-use drink containers.
"Empty bottles and cans make up a substantial percentage of the litter on our streets and in our countryside.
"As Environment Minister, I explored the possibility of implementing a deposit return scheme in Northern Ireland, having seen their benefits in other countries.
"Unfortunately, my attempts were met with some resistance, politically and commercially.
"However, I believe that, even in the few years since, things have changed. Businesses realise the importance of and indeed the opportunities created by going beyond environmental compliance.
"The British Government has recently carried out a consultation on a deposit return scheme.
"Scotland is moving ahead with theirs and again we in the north run the risk of being left behind - particularly in the absence of a government to drive this forward."
Belfast Telegraph
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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05.09.2019 kl 19:20
Tung aktør innen resirkulering med sterk støtte til "all in" pantesystem i Storbritannia.
‘All-in’ DRS prevents abuse, claims Axion
September 2, 2019
The head of consulting at resource recovery specialist Axion has backed an ‘all-in’ deposit return scheme (DRS) for drinks containers in England, saying that it removes the incentive for brands to offer discounted alternatives not included in the scheme, such as water in cans instead of bottles. Those alternatives “may be more environmentally impactful”, claims Richard McKinlay.
Including cans and bottles made from plastics, aluminium, steel and glass would also help to increase capture of ‘recycling on the go’ materials, adds Axion.
“I think a deposit return scheme is needed; especially from a quality point of view to ensure we’ve got a high-quality food grade PET stream that allows recycling back into the highest quality applications,” said McKinlay. “More and more brands and retailers are facing targets of including higher recycled content in packaging, yet currently we haven’t got the quantity or quality of the material to achieve that.”
Concerns have been raised that implementing a DRS will impact on existing kerbside collections as people will be encouraged to separate bottles from their household recycling to return them and claim their deposit back. Fewer numbers of PET bottles in household collections would leave local authorities with the lower quality PET trays. With fewer PET bottles in the waste stream, the ones that are still there may be harder to sort and extract.
Consequently, more MRF infrastructure will be required to re-sort the waste stream for PET bottles. Investment in the recycling infrastructure will also be needed to handle the remaining PET pots, tubs and trays.
On the plus side, McKinlay says the DRS will deliver better quality bottles for recycling. “It will be possible to recycle more bottles into bottles, and potentially, trays into trays, increasing the amount of food grade rPET on the market. However, investment in the processing infrastructure will be necessary for that to work.”
There remain some issues that need to be sorted, however, according to Axion. The inclusion of beverage cartons in the DRS should be considered, while there will be hygiene issues with certain foodstuffs such as dairy. As such, it may be prudent to exclude fresh milk packaged in natural HDPE.
McKinlay added: “This initiative shouldn’t be seen as removing value from local authorities. Although there may be some impact, the bigger picture is that more material overall will be recycledback into high quality products. DRS should be implemented as part of a broader reform of how we manage and recycle packaging waste, which should include Extended Producer Responsibility to remove the cost burden from Local Authorities.
“We should not be afraid to move away from the existing waste management infrastructure, which is inherently unable to deliver on the Circular Economy.”
The UK government’s Environment Bill will be released later this year.
Axions hjemmeside:
‘All-in’ DRS prevents abuse, claims Axion
September 2, 2019
The head of consulting at resource recovery specialist Axion has backed an ‘all-in’ deposit return scheme (DRS) for drinks containers in England, saying that it removes the incentive for brands to offer discounted alternatives not included in the scheme, such as water in cans instead of bottles. Those alternatives “may be more environmentally impactful”, claims Richard McKinlay.
Including cans and bottles made from plastics, aluminium, steel and glass would also help to increase capture of ‘recycling on the go’ materials, adds Axion.
“I think a deposit return scheme is needed; especially from a quality point of view to ensure we’ve got a high-quality food grade PET stream that allows recycling back into the highest quality applications,” said McKinlay. “More and more brands and retailers are facing targets of including higher recycled content in packaging, yet currently we haven’t got the quantity or quality of the material to achieve that.”
Concerns have been raised that implementing a DRS will impact on existing kerbside collections as people will be encouraged to separate bottles from their household recycling to return them and claim their deposit back. Fewer numbers of PET bottles in household collections would leave local authorities with the lower quality PET trays. With fewer PET bottles in the waste stream, the ones that are still there may be harder to sort and extract.
Consequently, more MRF infrastructure will be required to re-sort the waste stream for PET bottles. Investment in the recycling infrastructure will also be needed to handle the remaining PET pots, tubs and trays.
On the plus side, McKinlay says the DRS will deliver better quality bottles for recycling. “It will be possible to recycle more bottles into bottles, and potentially, trays into trays, increasing the amount of food grade rPET on the market. However, investment in the processing infrastructure will be necessary for that to work.”
There remain some issues that need to be sorted, however, according to Axion. The inclusion of beverage cartons in the DRS should be considered, while there will be hygiene issues with certain foodstuffs such as dairy. As such, it may be prudent to exclude fresh milk packaged in natural HDPE.
McKinlay added: “This initiative shouldn’t be seen as removing value from local authorities. Although there may be some impact, the bigger picture is that more material overall will be recycledback into high quality products. DRS should be implemented as part of a broader reform of how we manage and recycle packaging waste, which should include Extended Producer Responsibility to remove the cost burden from Local Authorities.
“We should not be afraid to move away from the existing waste management infrastructure, which is inherently unable to deliver on the Circular Economy.”
The UK government’s Environment Bill will be released later this year.
Axions hjemmeside:
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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12.09.2019 kl 21:35
Prosessene går sin gang i Storbritannia...
Fundamental shift away from single use packaging “necessary”, say MPs
Collection and Transport, Circular Economy, Legislation and Regulation, Policy and Strategy, Resource Management
12th September 2019
The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee (Efra) has today (12 September) called for the government to focus on reducing all single use packaging – not just plastic – in its latest report on Plastic food and drink packaging.
The Committee, which looked specifically at food and drink packaging, has recommended that the Government should conduct a review of reusable and refillable packaging systems to determine what works and where Government intervention might be appropriate.
In addition, Parliament should lead by example, with the ambition to remove single use packaging from all its catering facilities.
The Committee also supported Government proposals to improve the recycling rate with extended producer responsibility, a Deposit Return Scheme and consistency in recycling collections.
The Committee has called for a modulated plastic packaging tax, with lower fees for higher levels of recycled content. Furthermore, imported, filled packaging should not be exempt from the tax as this could damage UK manufacturing.
Neil Parish MP, the Chair of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee, said: “We all know that plastic pollution of our rivers and seas is a huge problem. However, replacing plastic with other materials isn’t always the best solution, as all materials have an environmental impact.
“My Committee is also concerned that compostable plastics have been introduced without the right infrastructure or consumer understanding about how to dispose of them. Fundamentally, substitution is not the answer, and we need to look at ways to cut down on single use packaging.
“Currently, packaging labelling can be confusing, unclear, or even misleading. Ensuring that all local authorities collect the same plastics for recycling will make it easier for packaging to be labelled, so consumers know whether that packaging is recyclable or not.”
The report sets out a number of recommendations around recycling, alternative materials and plastic waste.
Storbritannias største messe for resirkulering og avfallshåndtering ble avholdt i Birmingham i går og i dag (11. 0g 12.september). En av hovedtalerne sparte ikke på kruttet, men ser et lyspunkt i britenes kommende pantesystem.
Britain is nation of litter louts, says Jeremy Paxman
Clean Up Britain patron criticises ‘utterly useless’ ministers and ‘even more useless’ Keep Britain Tidy
Damian Carrington Environment editor
Thu 12 Sep 2019 06.28 BST
Britain is a nation of litter louts and government efforts to tackle “the soul-destroying problem” are “utterly useless”, according to Jeremy Paxman, patron of the Clean Up Britain group.
Polluters, such as the makers of chewing gum and cigarettes, should be made to pay for a national campaign to change peoples’ behaviour, he will tell the UK’s largest waste and recycling conference on Thursday. The aim is to make littering as unacceptable as drunk driving, he says.
Posters showing pet animals harmed by rubbish and automatic number plate recognition to identify litter offenders at drive-through McDonald’s outlets are among the proposals made by Paxman, a longtime campaigner against litter.
Paxman, renowned as a fearsome news interviewer, blasts the government as “utterly useless” and the Keep Britain Tidy group as “even more useless”.
He does, however, praise the deposit return scheme for bottles and cans, proposed as part of the government’s waste strategy. This could wrap EU directive rules into UK law and force industry to pay much of the £1bn annual cost of cleaning up litter.
“We used to be a nation of shopkeepers – we aren’t any more, we’re a nation of litter louts,” Paxman will tell the RWM conference. “Britain has an enormous litter problem. It is getting worse. It’s soul-destroying.”
People’s more mobile lives, eating on the go, and the replacement of paper packaging with plastic are to blame, according to Paxman: “The rubbish we discard now will still be around to annoy and depress not just our children, but our grandchildren.”
“The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has for years been known as the most utterly useless ministry in government,” Paxman will say. “A national litter strategy working group was set up. It met once before being binned.” Keep Britain Tidy, founded in 1960, is called “an even more useless organisation” by Paxman, who says the amount of litter dropped has risen by 500% since then.
To solve the issue, Paxman will say: “There is, in truth, only one way to solve this problem. People have to change the way they behave. Our ambition is to reach a point where dropping litter is as socially unacceptable as drunk driving.”
Clean Up Britain’s Now or Never campaign is targeting 16-25-year-old men in particular, with Paxman speculating that the cost of cleaning up litter does not bother young people because they live at home and do not pay the council tax bill. He says Clean Up Britain’s posters showing real images of harm to animals hits home, perhaps as many young people grow up with pets.
Chewing gum and cigarette butts make up about 40% of all litter, Paxman says, but their producers do not pay to clean them up. He says a levy on each cigarette of half a penny would raise £155m: “That would make a good start to funding a highly professional, genuinely collaborative, national behavioural change campaign to make litter socially unacceptable.”
A Defra spokeswoman said: “Littering blights our communities, spoils our countryside, harms our wildlife, and taxpayers’ money is wasted cleaning it up. We’ve invested in the national ‘Keep it, Bin it’ anti-litter campaign in partnership with Keep Britain Tidy, and which is supported by some of the biggest names in retail, travel and entertainment, to make littering culturally unacceptable within a generation.”
“We at Keep Britain Tidy are disappointed that Jeremy Paxman has used his public profile to attack the very agencies that share his hatred of litter and are working tirelessly to tackle it,” said Allison Ogden-Newton, chief executive of the charity. “Our record needs no defending,” she said, pointing to campaigning for a 5p plastic bag charge and the work of over half a million volunteer litter-pickers.
A spokeswoman for Wrigley, which produces most UK chewing gum, said: “We agree that changing individual behaviour around litter is the only long-term sustainable solution, which is why we are the largest corporate funder of anti-littering campaigns in the UK.”
Hjemmeside RWM 2019 i Birmingham:
Fundamental shift away from single use packaging “necessary”, say MPs
Collection and Transport, Circular Economy, Legislation and Regulation, Policy and Strategy, Resource Management
12th September 2019
The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee (Efra) has today (12 September) called for the government to focus on reducing all single use packaging – not just plastic – in its latest report on Plastic food and drink packaging.
The Committee, which looked specifically at food and drink packaging, has recommended that the Government should conduct a review of reusable and refillable packaging systems to determine what works and where Government intervention might be appropriate.
In addition, Parliament should lead by example, with the ambition to remove single use packaging from all its catering facilities.
The Committee also supported Government proposals to improve the recycling rate with extended producer responsibility, a Deposit Return Scheme and consistency in recycling collections.
The Committee has called for a modulated plastic packaging tax, with lower fees for higher levels of recycled content. Furthermore, imported, filled packaging should not be exempt from the tax as this could damage UK manufacturing.
Neil Parish MP, the Chair of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee, said: “We all know that plastic pollution of our rivers and seas is a huge problem. However, replacing plastic with other materials isn’t always the best solution, as all materials have an environmental impact.
“My Committee is also concerned that compostable plastics have been introduced without the right infrastructure or consumer understanding about how to dispose of them. Fundamentally, substitution is not the answer, and we need to look at ways to cut down on single use packaging.
“Currently, packaging labelling can be confusing, unclear, or even misleading. Ensuring that all local authorities collect the same plastics for recycling will make it easier for packaging to be labelled, so consumers know whether that packaging is recyclable or not.”
The report sets out a number of recommendations around recycling, alternative materials and plastic waste.
Storbritannias største messe for resirkulering og avfallshåndtering ble avholdt i Birmingham i går og i dag (11. 0g 12.september). En av hovedtalerne sparte ikke på kruttet, men ser et lyspunkt i britenes kommende pantesystem.
Britain is nation of litter louts, says Jeremy Paxman
Clean Up Britain patron criticises ‘utterly useless’ ministers and ‘even more useless’ Keep Britain Tidy
Damian Carrington Environment editor
Thu 12 Sep 2019 06.28 BST
Britain is a nation of litter louts and government efforts to tackle “the soul-destroying problem” are “utterly useless”, according to Jeremy Paxman, patron of the Clean Up Britain group.
Polluters, such as the makers of chewing gum and cigarettes, should be made to pay for a national campaign to change peoples’ behaviour, he will tell the UK’s largest waste and recycling conference on Thursday. The aim is to make littering as unacceptable as drunk driving, he says.
Posters showing pet animals harmed by rubbish and automatic number plate recognition to identify litter offenders at drive-through McDonald’s outlets are among the proposals made by Paxman, a longtime campaigner against litter.
Paxman, renowned as a fearsome news interviewer, blasts the government as “utterly useless” and the Keep Britain Tidy group as “even more useless”.
He does, however, praise the deposit return scheme for bottles and cans, proposed as part of the government’s waste strategy. This could wrap EU directive rules into UK law and force industry to pay much of the £1bn annual cost of cleaning up litter.
“We used to be a nation of shopkeepers – we aren’t any more, we’re a nation of litter louts,” Paxman will tell the RWM conference. “Britain has an enormous litter problem. It is getting worse. It’s soul-destroying.”
People’s more mobile lives, eating on the go, and the replacement of paper packaging with plastic are to blame, according to Paxman: “The rubbish we discard now will still be around to annoy and depress not just our children, but our grandchildren.”
“The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) has for years been known as the most utterly useless ministry in government,” Paxman will say. “A national litter strategy working group was set up. It met once before being binned.” Keep Britain Tidy, founded in 1960, is called “an even more useless organisation” by Paxman, who says the amount of litter dropped has risen by 500% since then.
To solve the issue, Paxman will say: “There is, in truth, only one way to solve this problem. People have to change the way they behave. Our ambition is to reach a point where dropping litter is as socially unacceptable as drunk driving.”
Clean Up Britain’s Now or Never campaign is targeting 16-25-year-old men in particular, with Paxman speculating that the cost of cleaning up litter does not bother young people because they live at home and do not pay the council tax bill. He says Clean Up Britain’s posters showing real images of harm to animals hits home, perhaps as many young people grow up with pets.
Chewing gum and cigarette butts make up about 40% of all litter, Paxman says, but their producers do not pay to clean them up. He says a levy on each cigarette of half a penny would raise £155m: “That would make a good start to funding a highly professional, genuinely collaborative, national behavioural change campaign to make litter socially unacceptable.”
A Defra spokeswoman said: “Littering blights our communities, spoils our countryside, harms our wildlife, and taxpayers’ money is wasted cleaning it up. We’ve invested in the national ‘Keep it, Bin it’ anti-litter campaign in partnership with Keep Britain Tidy, and which is supported by some of the biggest names in retail, travel and entertainment, to make littering culturally unacceptable within a generation.”
“We at Keep Britain Tidy are disappointed that Jeremy Paxman has used his public profile to attack the very agencies that share his hatred of litter and are working tirelessly to tackle it,” said Allison Ogden-Newton, chief executive of the charity. “Our record needs no defending,” she said, pointing to campaigning for a 5p plastic bag charge and the work of over half a million volunteer litter-pickers.
A spokeswoman for Wrigley, which produces most UK chewing gum, said: “We agree that changing individual behaviour around litter is the only long-term sustainable solution, which is why we are the largest corporate funder of anti-littering campaigns in the UK.”
Hjemmeside RWM 2019 i Birmingham:
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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07.01.2020 kl 16:51
By Imogen Benson | 7 January 2020 |
The Welsh Government’s new circular economy strategy has set out the nation’s ambitious goal to become “the world leader in recycling.”
Published ten years after Wales’ original ‘Towards Zero Waste’ strategy, the government’s new waste strategy, entitled ‘Beyond Recycling’, outlines plans for Wales to become a zero-waste, net-zero emissions nation by 2050, making savings of up to £2 billion for the Welsh economy.
With a household recycling rate of 60.7 per cent – one of the highest in the world – Wales is now looking to build on its current success by achieving a recycling rate of 100 per cent across all sectors.
As part of its aim to phase out single-use plastic, the Welsh Government plans to work with the other governments of the UK to accelerate the introduction of extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging and a deposit return scheme (DRS) for drinks containers, with an EPR regime and a ban on highly-littered single-use plastics to be implemented by 2021.
By Imogen Benson | 7 January 2020 |
The Welsh Government’s new circular economy strategy has set out the nation’s ambitious goal to become “the world leader in recycling.”
Published ten years after Wales’ original ‘Towards Zero Waste’ strategy, the government’s new waste strategy, entitled ‘Beyond Recycling’, outlines plans for Wales to become a zero-waste, net-zero emissions nation by 2050, making savings of up to £2 billion for the Welsh economy.
With a household recycling rate of 60.7 per cent – one of the highest in the world – Wales is now looking to build on its current success by achieving a recycling rate of 100 per cent across all sectors.
As part of its aim to phase out single-use plastic, the Welsh Government plans to work with the other governments of the UK to accelerate the introduction of extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging and a deposit return scheme (DRS) for drinks containers, with an EPR regime and a ban on highly-littered single-use plastics to be implemented by 2021.
Redigert 20.01.2021 kl 22:20
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