Trump sin tale om 5G var en katastrofe

BBBB 10.05.2019 kl 10:56 915

Han avholdt en pressekonferanse om utbyggina 5G nettverk tidligere i år.

Activist Post:
"Start Spreading The News: Another Elected Official Asks the FCC To Provide Documentation That 5G Is Safe

In February the Telecom Industry told a congressional committee that they knew of no scientific studies that prove 5G technology is safe.

There is already research that has proven 5G is harmful and that all other sources of wireless radiation are harmful too.

Last month there was a press conference from the White House about the U.S. wanting to win the controversial "Race to 5G". There was no reference to the congressional testimony provided by the Telecom Industry and little reference to widespread increasing U.S. opposition to 5G.

So 5G installation seems to be continuing in the U.S despite all issues identified with it by a growing number of credible sources including a former national security director.

The FCC is supposed to regulate the Telecom Industry and protect the public. They have been doing the exact opposite for 20+ years. Please check Activist Post archives for more articles about that."

- It`s all about 5G now, sa Trump.
- win the race of 5G.
- - more 5G spectrum than any other nation.
- cover every community.
- it`s gonna happen very quickly.

og dattera slapp til: - The future is 5G.

Trump sier han vil fjerne "burdensome" reguleringer. Lokale myndigheter skal tvinges til å si ja innen max 90 dager.

Lokale myndigheter og samfunn skal tydeligvis overkjøres.
10.05.2019 kl 11:16 909

5g is «harmful».

Yeah right.... politikk er komplisert, og korrupt.

Men flott at Trump skjærer gjennom og setter skapet på plass.
Redigert 10.05.2019 kl 11:17 Du må logge inn for å svare
10.05.2019 kl 21:41 889

Så du mener det er flott at Trump "skjærer gjennom", og ikke bryr seg om alle advarslene om helsemessige ogf miljømessige skadevirkninger ?

Og ikke tar hensyn til lokaldemokrati ?
10.05.2019 kl 21:43 887

Han har gamle komiteeer han arvet som kan "utrede" det. 4ever.

Bla bla 0-lliver krav:
miljømessige skadevirkninger ?hensyn til lokaldemokrati
26.05.2019 kl 18:58 850

Trump har fast linje.
26.05.2019 kl 19:02 850


ørkenkommunisten BrahMani NULL iver fra midtøstenkommunismens SYT&KRAV klagekor sa: 5-G talen var ikke bra.

Sa Skambodchia kommunisten likeglad
Pål "pottetett" Bloggpensjonist. Akp M/L norge dritt down usa lol
#akp CLOWN usa down lol
Redigert 26.05.2019 kl 19:04 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.05.2019 kl 20:15 810

seriøst ørkensytemaskin brahmani kommunisten.
men bliig venezulela bensin og folkemas godtkjent burgerlønn, det har du råd til som alle mena islamist ørkenkrav&syt kommunister.
#Scam "pål" Bodcia
norge dritt usa down
vesten er verst

10.05.2019 kl 10:56 105

Han avholdt en pressekonferanse om utbyggina 5G nettverk tidligere i år.

Activist Post:
"Start Spreading The News
02.07.2019 kl 21:11 772

Talen var G0
05.07.2019 kl 20:55 737

1-2-3-4.....NullIver kan ikke stoppe fremtiden
G5 er fremtiden.
tiden er ikke moden for å gå rett på G6
10.07.2019 kl 19:40 702

0 bidrag
bare ørkenkrav og syt mot alt ikke-ørken.
13.07.2019 kl 17:12 676

Sumsang varsler 5G i ny tefelon i agusta.
21.07.2019 kl 21:06 626
5th generation technology was designed to offer unbelievable and amazing data capabilities, unhindered call volumes and vast data broadcast within the latest mobile operating system. Therefore, it is more intelligent technology
Moreover, governments and regulators can use this technology as an opportunity for the good governance and can create healthier environments
21.07.2019 kl 21:40 618

«Moreover, governments and regulators can use this technology as an opportunity for the good governance and can create healthier environments»

NÅ blei jeg skeptisk, det må jeg si...MEGET skeptisk.
21.07.2019 kl 21:48 616

Slapp av 777 du er mot govermenting ikke 5Gting.
Sound Masking in Government & Military
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Redigert 21.07.2019 kl 21:49 Du må logge inn for å svare
30.07.2019 kl 19:46 574
5g Radiation Protection
While there’s no way to truly and completely shield yourself, I have listed a few tips that can certainly protect you, in the best possible way, from the dangers of 5G radiation:

Keep your distance as much as possible.
Measure levels whenever possible.
Buy an EMF shield.
Protect your home as much as possible.
Eat a healthy diet.
Try earthing.
Educate yourself as much as possible.
11.08.2019 kl 18:17 531
Donald Trump held a press conference at the G7 -- here are the 38 wildest things he said
16.08.2019 kl 12:23 504
Joe Biden has retreated for a lengthy vacation after a series of gaffes and verbal missteps consumed his campaign.
The former vice president’s staff announced Wednesday that the 76-year-old Biden had been vacationing since Sunday in his home state of Delaware.
28.08.2019 kl 21:00 473

Blir litt skremt når greta 16 blitz 96 brahmani 0rken nisten skremmer med skremsler.
må siD:
15.09.2019 kl 19:25 326

Jeg er mot norsk ISLM men for G5 og wifi6 m.m.
WiFi 6 kommer i 2019
Nå blir det
trådløs ruter
For det er definitivt lettere å si WiFi 6 enn 802.11ax