Saga Pure - Kurs kr 1,778, verdier kr 1,94?

SAGA 19.10.2022 kl 16:13 30992

Saga har ca kr 780 mill i cash og markedsverdien på Saga er ca kr 863 mill. I tillegg har Saga aksjer i selskap som er verdt ca kr 151 mill. Totalt cash og verdier i aksjer ca kr 931 mill, dvs ca kr 1,94 pr Saga aksje. Dagens kurs kr 1,7778

Saga eier (kanskje) 2.218.832 aksjer i Horisont energy a 11,92 pr aksje, totalt ca kr 26 mill

Saga verdi i Heimdall Power til ca kr 120 mill. Saga eier 4.730.784 aksjer, dvs 22,1% av selskapet

Saga eier 666.666 aksjer i GreenStat a kr 7,5 pr aksje, totalt kr 5 mill
Redigert 10.02.2023 kl 09:07 Du må logge inn for å svare
11.02.2023 kl 11:27 2165

saga aksjen er per tid kun en pump og dump aksje for spetalen sine roboter. den dagen heimdall blir børsnotert da skal jeg se på aksjen jeg dumpet meg ut på kurser over kr 3 pga de forholdene vi nå ser der jeg så at flere av de selskapene de hadde investert i kun var luftslott og per tid stemmer dette og neste selskap som kan gå dukken er horisont, de har KUN an mass med LOI avtaler som kun er verdt trykksverten de er skrevet på og ingenting annet. når equinor ikke klarer å tjene penger i det grønne segmentet hvordan skal da et bitte lite selskap men kun papirverdier klare dette
11.02.2023 kl 11:51 2145

Du glemmer at den tyske energigiganten e.on eier 25% og har tilført selskapet 370 mill i kap. Selskapet har også fått tildelt ca 500 mill i støtte via eu midler. Tror kanskje deres vurdering av Horisont veier tyngre enn din😉 Hvis de lykkes blir det jackpot🥳
16.02.2023 kl 07:36 1753

Oslo, 16 February 2023) .Saga Pure ASA (Saga Pure, OSE: SAGA) reported a net loss in the fourth quarter 2022 of NOK 101.1 million (Q4 2021: NOK 92.6 million), contributing to a return on equity of minus 2.1 percent for 2022
16.02.2023 kl 15:05 1539

Saga Pure verdsatt til 840 mill. med 787 mill. i cash. Dvs. at man får 22% av Heimdall Power (+ det andre) for 53. mill. fratrukket kontantene.

Kontantene skal investeres og her ligger det en usikkerhet i form av hva som blir kjøpt. Ettersom Spetalen selv eier 42% av disse kontantene kan man regne med at disse blir forvaltet som om det var hans egne penger.
16.02.2023 kl 15:15 1517

Hvis han også eier aksjer i Heimdall via Ferncliff, vil han lett kjøre sitt eget løp uavhengig av Sagas interesse, hvis de noen gang kommer på børs da. Akkurat som han gjør i HRGI. Løs kanon. Tor ikke ledelsen i HRGI eller tyske Eon er spesielt imponert.
Redigert 16.02.2023 kl 15:20 Du må logge inn for å svare
22.02.2023 kl 20:16 1008

"Virtual Neurons from Heimdall Power to monitor key lines in Lithuania.

We are happy to announce our first contract signing in the Baltics! With the help of Heimdall Power´s Virtual Neurons, Lithuanian electricity transmission system operator Litgrid will now expand the monitoring capabilities in some of the key power lines in Lithuania, including ones supplying the second biggest city in the country, Kaunas. Going forward, the insights provided by the Virtual Neurons will enable more efficient operations and higher utilization of the power grid capacity.

Instrumenting the lines in question is part of a pilot project where Litgrid is testing new technologies that enable a higher utilization of grid capacity. This pilot therefore has the potential to bring significant value to both Litgrid and the users of the grid in the relevant areas. More capacity means more feed-in of renewable power and reduced chance of curtailment of wind or solar generation. To the extent that this is realized, this is valuable to the citizens and industry of Lithuania.

“Litgrid is a very forward leaning company, and we are very pleased to work with such a dedicated and professional team on a project like this”, says Vivi Mathiesen, who is responsible for this project at Heimdall Power.

Litgrid´s Head of Strategy, Liutauras Varanavičius, is looking forward to see the results from the Virtual Neurons:

“Faster integration of renewable energy sources into the transmission grid is one of Litgrid's top priorities. To increase sustainable energy generation in the most efficient way, we are actively testing various solutions, including the dynamic line rating technology. Heimdall Power approach is interesting to us as the line capacity will be calculated using virtual sensors, simulating the operation of physical ones. We look forward to seeing the first results”"
Redigert 22.02.2023 kl 20:16 Du må logge inn for å svare
02.03.2023 kl 12:26 578

Portugese TSO REN selects Heimdall Power as grid-sensor supplier

We at Heimdall Power are proud to share that we have won a tender for a DLR pilot-project with the national grid company in Portugal, REN.
REN will instrument a 400kV line with Neurons from Heimdall Power, using the data provided by the Neurons to gain insight into the real-time actual capacity of the line in question. They will also utilize the sensor and software technologies from Heimdall Power for asset monitoring purposes, like vibration monitoring of the exposed spans.

Further, REN will use this project to validate DLR-sensor technology, in the form of Heimdall Power Neurons, against other grid enhancing solutions. This happened after a thorough selection process, where Heimdall Power came out on top.

Read also: Heimdall Power establishes U.S. subsidiary

This new contract win marks the entry into our 14th country of operations across Europe, a number we aim to increase throughout 2023.

Head of Sales at Heimdall Power, Iver Endresen, reacted to the tender win as follows:
“To be selected as the sensor supplier for such an important utility as REN is another great achievement by the whole Heimdall Power team, and further proof that we deliver a unique combination of software and sensor technology. This deployment strengthens our clear perception that we have the best and most competitive solutions in the market and makes us all very encouraged going forward."

Det lukter noe virkelig stort av Heimdall Power.
07.03.2023 kl 09:47 213

The Austrian DSO Tinetz - Tiroler Netze GmbH will now use the solutions from Heimdall Power to prevent icing-related issues in their power grid.
We at Heimdall are proud to announce that we have been chosen in Tinetz´s call for proposals. Tinetz is an Austrian DSO operating the Tirol region of Austria, where they serve more than 240 000 customers.

Last year they issued a tender, as they needed a system for monitoring ice- and snow weight on their power lines. After a thorough evaluation process, Heimdall Power came out on top, offering the superior combination of technical quality and price of the service.

Read also: Increasing capacity with Litgrid

The Heimdall Power ice monitoring module will now give Tinetz an early warning about excessive icing on their lines, as well as precise predictions and the possibility to prevent icing-related outages. Through this digitalization of their grid, Tinetz will be able to identify possible dangerous situations before they cause damage to critical infrastructure.

Read also: Heimdall Power selected as sensor-supplier by Portugese TSO REN

Since the Heimdall Power Neuron harvests energy on low current, it is ideal for monitoring ice build-up on cold, or even un-powered lines. This winter, Heimdall Power has already helped several European grid companies detect and manage ice and snow weight on their lines. The rapid and frequent temperature changes have created near perfect icing conditions on several occasions. Icing events seem to occur more often now than just a few winters ago. Grid companies we speak to across Europe confirm this trend.

Vivi Mathiesen, project responsible at Heimdall Power, is very encouraged by the new collaboration:

“We are really looking forward to helping Tinetz with limiting icing-related issues in their grid to an absolute minimum. Our talks with them so far has been very good, and we are eager to form a strong partnership with them over the coming years.”

Project manager at Tinetz, Matthias Fehr sums up the new project in the following way:

“We are excited to start this new project with the innovative company Heimdall Power, and look forward to our cooperation!”