Otovo - Grønt vinneren med EUs nye energi plan?
EU subsidierer og prioriterer montering av sol panel på tak i Europa nå, for å gjøre seg uavhengig av Russisk olje og gass. Dette tjener Otovo penger på, både sol panel med og uten batterier til lagring av strøm produksjonen. Sundt AS kom inn på topp 50 aksjonærlisten idag med 400.000 aksjer
Sparebank 1 Markets har kursmål kr 45, SEB har kursmål kr 37 og i følge nicket thomasb, har Arctic kursmål kr 50 fra desember 2021 på Otovo.
Dagens kurs er kr 23,45.
Her er et lite utdrag fra analysen til Sparebank 1 Markets:
"We believe the rally in rooftop solar shares like OTOVO is perfectly warranted. There are several reasons for this:
• Firstly, the spike in European electricity prices means that residential PV is more profitable than ever, with payback times of 2.5 years in non- Nordic markets.
• Second, the brief summary of the REPowerEU plan specifically mentions that front-loading of solar rooftops will be a key measure to reduce European dependence on Russian gas.
• Third, the European Commission has proposed the implementation of 0% VAT on residential PV,
Rystad forecasts continued global growth for rooftop solar PV towards 2025
Fra REPowerEU:
“By accelerating the roll out of rooftop solar PV systems by up to 15 TWh this year the EU could save an additional 2 5 bcm of gas The Commission will present in June a communication on solar energy with the aim of helping unlock solar energy’s potential as a major renewable energy source in the EU Based on an analysis of the state of play of solar energy across the EU, the solar strategy will propose a European Solar Rooftops Initiative which will identify barriers, propose measures to accelerate the roll out and ensure that the public can fully reap the benefits of rooftop solar energy"
Nyhet idag "Otovo and EDEA announce merger plan"
Nyhet 5.4.2022
Otovo launches battery offering in France and Poland
Nyhet 22.2.2022
Otovo to launch the United Kingdom, Portugal and Austria to accelerate on pathway to continental scale
Sparebank 1 Markets har kursmål kr 45, SEB har kursmål kr 37 og i følge nicket thomasb, har Arctic kursmål kr 50 fra desember 2021 på Otovo.
Dagens kurs er kr 23,45.
Her er et lite utdrag fra analysen til Sparebank 1 Markets:
"We believe the rally in rooftop solar shares like OTOVO is perfectly warranted. There are several reasons for this:
• Firstly, the spike in European electricity prices means that residential PV is more profitable than ever, with payback times of 2.5 years in non- Nordic markets.
• Second, the brief summary of the REPowerEU plan specifically mentions that front-loading of solar rooftops will be a key measure to reduce European dependence on Russian gas.
• Third, the European Commission has proposed the implementation of 0% VAT on residential PV,
Rystad forecasts continued global growth for rooftop solar PV towards 2025
Fra REPowerEU:
“By accelerating the roll out of rooftop solar PV systems by up to 15 TWh this year the EU could save an additional 2 5 bcm of gas The Commission will present in June a communication on solar energy with the aim of helping unlock solar energy’s potential as a major renewable energy source in the EU Based on an analysis of the state of play of solar energy across the EU, the solar strategy will propose a European Solar Rooftops Initiative which will identify barriers, propose measures to accelerate the roll out and ensure that the public can fully reap the benefits of rooftop solar energy"
Nyhet idag "Otovo and EDEA announce merger plan"
Nyhet 5.4.2022
Otovo launches battery offering in France and Poland
Nyhet 22.2.2022
Otovo to launch the United Kingdom, Portugal and Austria to accelerate on pathway to continental scale
Redigert 07.04.2022 kl 12:53
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24.02.2023 kl 08:50
Fryktelig mye innside i Otovo så ledelsen har vel litt trua på dette.
23.02.2023 kl 09:28
23.2.2023 06:48 • TDN Finans •
Kopier link
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): AxSol AB, representert i styret i Otovo av Johan Erik Sixten Bergström, har onsdag kjøpt 3.316.308 aksjer i Otovo til kurs 16,744 kroner pr aksje.
Det fremgår av en melding onsdag.
Etter transaksjonen eier AxSol 38.489.971 aksjer i Otovo, tilsvarende 25,87 prosent av utestående aksje og stemmeretter.
TDN Direkt finans@tdn.no Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
23.2.2023 06:48 • TDN Finans •
Kopier link
Oslo (Infront TDN Direkt): AxSol AB, representert i styret i Otovo av Johan Erik Sixten Bergström, har onsdag kjøpt 3.316.308 aksjer i Otovo til kurs 16,744 kroner pr aksje.
Det fremgår av en melding onsdag.
Etter transaksjonen eier AxSol 38.489.971 aksjer i Otovo, tilsvarende 25,87 prosent av utestående aksje og stemmeretter.
TDN Direkt finans@tdn.no Infront TDN Direkt, +47 21 95 60 70
21.02.2023 kl 10:34
Carnegie nedjusterer kursmålet fra kr 26 til kr 22, og Fearnley nedjusterer fra kr 28 til kr 20. langt opp til kursmålene og aksjen har startet rekyl opp 💪
21.02.2023 kl 08:48
Husk at pga høye strøm priser i Italia og gode sol forhold, endret skattesystemet på sol panel at det tar 7 år å nedbetale investeringen nå, vs 5 år før endringen. Salget stopper ikke opp i Italia 😉
Dnb Markets ute med ny analyse på Otovo idag. Her er et lite utdrag fra analysen:
«Italian headwinds
We have lowered our 2023e installations by 7% and EBITDA by 14% on the proposed changes to the Italian tax credit scheme for residential solar, but forecast a limited negative effect from the country beyond this. We reinstate our BUY and NOK21 target price, representing a 35% discount to our SOTP of NOK32/share»
Sparebank 1 Markets hadde også oppdatering. Her er et lite utdrag fra dem:
«Note that changes to subsidies have happened in Otovo markets before and may be revised back (Sweden + Poland are two examples). There is also some potential gap that Otovo can close: Otovo bought tax credits from customers and has sold them to banks at a discount. To achieve its desired gross-margin, the company has sold units at a slightly higher margin than “necessary”
Dnb Markets ute med ny analyse på Otovo idag. Her er et lite utdrag fra analysen:
«Italian headwinds
We have lowered our 2023e installations by 7% and EBITDA by 14% on the proposed changes to the Italian tax credit scheme for residential solar, but forecast a limited negative effect from the country beyond this. We reinstate our BUY and NOK21 target price, representing a 35% discount to our SOTP of NOK32/share»
Sparebank 1 Markets hadde også oppdatering. Her er et lite utdrag fra dem:
«Note that changes to subsidies have happened in Otovo markets before and may be revised back (Sweden + Poland are two examples). There is also some potential gap that Otovo can close: Otovo bought tax credits from customers and has sold them to banks at a discount. To achieve its desired gross-margin, the company has sold units at a slightly higher margin than “necessary”
Redigert 21.02.2023 kl 08:52
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20.02.2023 kl 19:03
Har du sjekket opp børs noterte selskap som selv driver med salg og montering? Noen må jo tjene veldig mye på dette nå?
20.02.2023 kl 14:37
Overreaksjon? Ser ingen grunn til at dette luftslottet skal prises til noe særlig mer enn 2-3kr aksjen. Go landing. 🙄
20.02.2023 kl 14:31
Vil jo si at det er få selskaper i verden som har så stor politisk medvind nå og de neste årene som OTOVO. Er også verdt å nevne at Thorsheim ikke har solgt siden en emisjon høsten 2019 der han realiserte litt hvis jeg ikke tar helt feil. Håper selskapet lykkes, men for min egen del er tålmodighet bruk opp...
20.02.2023 kl 13:52
Overreaksjon de lux. Må være mange overnervøse pille spisere der ute. Ingen grunn til å selge pga siste melding. 10% opp i morra! Bare tull dette.
20.02.2023 kl 11:45
Den delen har bekymret meg nå også, men hvorfor så mye innsidekjøp? Pga EU sin nye plan i mars?
Der gikk min kjøpsordre inn, bare å krysse fingrene da 😅😅
Der gikk min kjøpsordre inn, bare å krysse fingrene da 😅😅
20.02.2023 kl 11:17
Er man faktisk overrasket over at dette aldri vil tjene pæng? Hallo i luken,, sol privat er humbug. Matten er enkel. Selv i skala, humbug. Bæres på rygg av andre penger. Selv ved en svindelskapt krise bærer det ikke. Jeez.
Kanskje om "planen"/svindelen intensiveres så. Men det er jo fortsatt tyveri av andres verdier omsatt i et produkt som bare er til der du ikke har alternativ, og betaler dyrt for det.
Vind inngår i samme kategori.
Kanskje om "planen"/svindelen intensiveres så. Men det er jo fortsatt tyveri av andres verdier omsatt i et produkt som bare er til der du ikke har alternativ, og betaler dyrt for det.
Vind inngår i samme kategori.
Redigert 20.02.2023 kl 11:23
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20.02.2023 kl 10:53
Har eid OTOVO aksjen i flere år, men er nå omsider ute. Problemet mitt er at vi ikke har sett noe tegn på lønnsomhet. Marginen blir ikke bedre og ser man på siste kvartal så var også antall enheter solgt ned i forhold til Q3. Tror dessverre det er en veldig vanskelig modell som ikke vil kunne skape gode marginer i praksis.
20.02.2023 kl 10:46
Er denne verdt et lodd igjen? Masse innsidekjøp før de dårlige nyhetene fra Italia 😅😅
EU skal komme med en ny plan i mars 2023. Kan det komme noe bra for Otovo der?
EU skal komme med en ny plan i mars 2023. Kan det komme noe bra for Otovo der?
Redigert 20.02.2023 kl 10:47
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27.04.2022 kl 22:26
Skal du ha mere strøm raskt så monterer du solcelle paneler i morgen etter frokost.
Otovo kommer til dekket bord godt hjulpet av en energi krise.
Otovo kommer til dekket bord godt hjulpet av en energi krise.
27.04.2022 kl 20:08
Blir spennende å se hvordan det går med strømprisene framover, nå som Russland stopper gasstilførsen til Europa. Det er svært sannsynelig at dette er positivt for Otovo - økt salg og vidre ekspansjon. Jeg føler meg ganske sikker på at dette er et selskap hvor langsiktige aksjonærer vil ha en stor oppside.
Redigert 27.04.2022 kl 20:12
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25.04.2022 kl 22:49
Analysen dems på grønt sektoren er ganske omfattende. Jeg er selv aksjonær i BCS, og kan da si at helt til selskapet signerer salgskontrakter, skjønner jeg at Sparebank 1 Markets ikke tar de inn i den gyldne sirkelen. Når salgskontrakt er signert, er det noe helt annet. Og ja, jeg tror BCS vil få kontrakt. Desert har vell knapt inntekter og er priset høyt? Det er best om du leser analysen til meglerhuset selv. Som sagt, den er veldig omfattende 😊
25.04.2022 kl 17:26
"De anbefaler kjøp av Otovo, Hex og VoW, og de tror de fleste andre grønt aksjer vil korrigere nedover den neste perioden"
Da må det i alle fall være to selskaper de ikke har satt seg inn i: BCS og Desert.
Da må det i alle fall være to selskaper de ikke har satt seg inn i: BCS og Desert.
25.04.2022 kl 17:25
Børs22 skrev Opp nesten 5% på en blodrød børsdag!! Kruttsterkt ☀️
Vil overaske meget om den ikke fortsetter opp imorra. Alltid en del som leser Finansavisen idag og handler dagen etter.
25.04.2022 kl 13:20
Sparebank 1 Markets ute med ny analyse på grønt markedet. De anbefaler kjøp av Otovo, Hex og VoW, og de tror de fleste andre grønt aksjer vil korrigere nedover den neste perioden
23.04.2022 kl 09:50
Roger Berntsen i Nordnet med oppdatering fra OTOVO med CEO Andreas Thorsheim
Roger Berntsen i Nordnet med oppdatering fra OTOVO med CEO Andreas Thorsheim
22.04.2022 kl 13:25
Det lå jo i kortene når de dobler salg/omsetning hvert år ;)
"Built for speed
Adjusting to a sustained rapid growth in the number of sales and installations, and an expanding geographical coverage, Otovo today will adjust the management structure of the company introducing a more concise geographical split in line with recent market expansions as well as central functions with mandate, capacity and talent required to successfully support and guide a growing business.
– A company that more than doubles in size every year is bound to change. This new structure builds Otovo for speed, allowing us to keep growing without losing energy to internal issues, says Andreas Thorsheim, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Otovo"
"Built for speed
Adjusting to a sustained rapid growth in the number of sales and installations, and an expanding geographical coverage, Otovo today will adjust the management structure of the company introducing a more concise geographical split in line with recent market expansions as well as central functions with mandate, capacity and talent required to successfully support and guide a growing business.
– A company that more than doubles in size every year is bound to change. This new structure builds Otovo for speed, allowing us to keep growing without losing energy to internal issues, says Andreas Thorsheim, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Otovo"
22.04.2022 kl 10:39
Hehe ;) Har de nok folk til å montere alt dette salget, eller er det kun et enkelt luksus problem å fikse?
22.04.2022 kl 09:47
Takk for svar Frodon. ja, er nok flaskehalser som gjør at inntekene skyves litt. Men så lenge ordrereservene øker tilsvarende så gjør det vel ikke så mye :)
Får håpe de kommer med en markedsoppdatering før Q1 framleggelse.
Får håpe de kommer med en markedsoppdatering før Q1 framleggelse.
21.04.2022 kl 21:38
Tja, noen vet helt sikkert, noen vet mer enn andre og vi vet sannsynligvis minst av alle om dette 😬 Sparebank 1 Markets har tatt høyde for alt dette i sin analyse ink Omikron utbrudd i Q1. De har estimert inntekter i Q1 på kr 150 mill, også stiger inntektene mye i Q2
21.04.2022 kl 18:36
Det er ingen som vet hvordan evt manko på deler i forsynningskjeden påvirker Otovo, men det er gledelig å se folk kjempe om aksjer i selskapet.
21.04.2022 kl 10:07
Litt ironisk, de har lagt inn langt lavere salg enn guidingen til Otovo, så her burde det være rom for mye oppside på kursmålet hvis Otovo sin guiding slår til?
"we are still way below Otovo’s guided growth plan, estimating 29 k units sold vs the company’s guided 55 k (mid point). We expect
opex/unit sold to slightly increase in 2 Q 22 and 3 Q 22 as Otovo enters new markets"
Omsetning 2022 kr 986 mill, 2023 kr 2.091 mill, 2024 kr 3.485 mill
"we are still way below Otovo’s guided growth plan, estimating 29 k units sold vs the company’s guided 55 k (mid point). We expect
opex/unit sold to slightly increase in 2 Q 22 and 3 Q 22 as Otovo enters new markets"
Omsetning 2022 kr 986 mill, 2023 kr 2.091 mill, 2024 kr 3.485 mill
Redigert 21.04.2022 kl 10:07
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20.04.2022 kl 23:05
Hvilken omsetning forventer Sparebank markets 1? I 2022,2023,2024?
20.04.2022 kl 22:00
Det ser ut som interessen er stigende for produktene i hvert fall ;)
Et lite utdrag fra Sparebank 1 Markets sin analyse i kveld:
"household electricity prices have risen and the forward curves indicate elevated prices throughout the remainder of 2022 and for large parts of 2023.... The UK has reduced VAT for residential PV to 0% and the EU has allowed all its member states to do the same"
"we highlight that the company’s webpage traffic was up 80% in March 2022 vs. December 2021 (Italy, France, Norway, and Spain combined)"
"Otovo maintains as our top pick for 2022"
Et lite utdrag fra Sparebank 1 Markets sin analyse i kveld:
"household electricity prices have risen and the forward curves indicate elevated prices throughout the remainder of 2022 and for large parts of 2023.... The UK has reduced VAT for residential PV to 0% and the EU has allowed all its member states to do the same"
"we highlight that the company’s webpage traffic was up 80% in March 2022 vs. December 2021 (Italy, France, Norway, and Spain combined)"
"Otovo maintains as our top pick for 2022"
20.04.2022 kl 20:18
At q1 kommer til å overgå målsettingen og være det beste kvartalet noen gang er vel ganske tydelig. En markedsoppdatering kan fort komme imorgen allerede.
20.04.2022 kl 19:06
Sparebank 1 Markets har økt kursmålet til kr 50 i kveld.
«We reiterate our buy recommendation and increase our target price to NOK50/share (from NOK45/share) ahead of Otovo’s 1Q report»
«We reiterate our buy recommendation and increase our target price to NOK50/share (from NOK45/share) ahead of Otovo’s 1Q report»
08.04.2022 kl 16:12
Her er et lite utdrag fra Sparebank 1 Markets på dagens kontrakt:
«….the partnership will help Otovo grow its sales quicker with equal EBITDA contribution. We expect to see similar partnerships from Otovo moving forward….We maintain Otovo as our top pick within the renewable space and note to investors that it was included in our monthly portfolio, which was sent out this morning»
«….the partnership will help Otovo grow its sales quicker with equal EBITDA contribution. We expect to see similar partnerships from Otovo moving forward….We maintain Otovo as our top pick within the renewable space and note to investors that it was included in our monthly portfolio, which was sent out this morning»
08.04.2022 kl 15:52
Q1 20 hadde 924 i pipeline, tipper denne nå er på >4000
Italia, Polen, Tyskland og Norge er nok markeder som leverer over forventning, og i de tre første her var det lite salg i Q120
Italia, Polen, Tyskland og Norge er nok markeder som leverer over forventning, og i de tre første her var det lite salg i Q120
08.04.2022 kl 15:05
Strøm er dyrt i Europa ..
Siden 2021 har Otovo i tillegg tilbudt battery storage til kunder i Italia.
Dette burde ha fristet mange ...
Alle roper ett grønn strøm i tillegg har vi gal mann Moskva mange ønsker å
stoppe all handel med .....
Vil du ha "grønn" strøm nå ? (Y)
Svaret er solcelle paneler noe en kan montere raskt
Dette bør være en gullgruve for Otovo.
Siden 2021 har Otovo i tillegg tilbudt battery storage til kunder i Italia.
Dette burde ha fristet mange ...
Alle roper ett grønn strøm i tillegg har vi gal mann Moskva mange ønsker å
stoppe all handel med .....
Vil du ha "grønn" strøm nå ? (Y)
Svaret er solcelle paneler noe en kan montere raskt
Dette bør være en gullgruve for Otovo.
08.04.2022 kl 13:57
Tror du REPowerEU har rukket å slå så mye ut på Q1 tallene eller tenker du på økt salg fra de nye områdene?
08.04.2022 kl 13:38
Og plutselig kommer en markedsoppdatering på Q1, tipper dette er det beste kvartalet i selskapet med god margin, og de etablerte markedene leverer solid positivt resultat.
Antar dette kommer første uka etter påske, rundt 20.april.
Antar dette kommer første uka etter påske, rundt 20.april.
08.04.2022 kl 13:17
Det bygges opp en omvendt hode skulder (OHS) formasjon her nå. Venstre skulder på kr 27,80 den 29.12.2021, hode på kr 15,24 den 21.2.2022 og høyre skulder dannes nå. Ved brudd opp igjennom kr 27,80, helst på høyt volum, blir et sterkt kjøpssignal opp til kr 40,36 utløst. Dette stemmer bra med fundamentene og kursmålene på selskapet.
Fint nytt samarbeid ble børs meldt idag, som vil gi ekstra inntekter i mange år
Fint nytt samarbeid ble børs meldt idag, som vil gi ekstra inntekter i mange år
Otovo and VIVIesco enter partnership in Italy
Otovo and VIVIesco enter partnership in Italy
VIVIesco and Otovo have entered an agreement whereby Otovo will provide the online sales and installation infrastructure to the Italian electricity supplier’s solar and battery customers.
A breakthrough partnership
VIVIesco and Otovo have signed a partnership agreement where Otovo’s technology will enable VIVIesco to greatly accelerate their sales of PV systems, by using Otovo’s platform to perform sales, planning and installations. Through this partnership, Otovo aims to increase its sales by hundreds of units, which is expected to add an additional EUR ~3m in sales this year to Otovo’s already strong Italian business. It is both parties’ ambition to increase this substantially in succeeding years, after the renewal of the initial 1 year agreement.
Otovo’s General Manager in Italy, Fabio Stefanini, comments on the agreement saying:
- We are pleased to enter into a partnership with the VIVI Group to accelerate the process of energy transition towards renewable sources. We expect to continue developing the partnership with VIVI Group over the coming years, and for this to have a material impact on Otovo’s ability to grow its customer base in Italy.
– I am excited that we partner with VIVIesco to power their distributed residential energy growth. Italy has proven to be a fantastic market for Otovo already, and we hope to accelerate our growth in cooperation with VIVIesco, says Andreas Thorsheim, Chief Executive Officer of Otovo.
Andrea Bolla, President and CEO of the VIVI Group remarks:
- The collaboration with Otovo is a further step to promptly respond to the needs of the market, which today is increasingly interested in sustainability [...] On the path of innovation that we have been on for some time, the choice to collaborate with a technological player like Otovo was natural.
Otovo, with its platform, allows us to effectively manage the entire process to offer photovoltaic systems to our customers, from the price estimate to installation. Our goal is to identify the best energy solution for our customers and allow them to implement it in the simplest and most economical way possible.
New as-a-service technology
– We have spent time building the ‘Otovo-as-a-service’ functionality to be used by partners. The platform has been developed so that companies with large consumer exposure can offer solar and battery solutions to their customers without having to build all the ecommerce, project management and installer infrastructure themselves, says Andreas Thorsheim, Chief Executive Officer of Otovo.
– Partnerships are a central part of our customer acquisition strategy. Otovo’s pan-European presence makes us able to partner with partners in search of a low-friction way to add solar panels and batteries to their product portfolio. We see opportunities for this type of partnerships in several sectors, notably automotive, electricity retailers, home appliance retailers and more, adds Thorsheim.
The as-a-service platform is built on the same technology that powers Otovo’s Brazilian joint venture, Holu, and has already been tested at scale there. Holu currently runs at 100 installations per month pace and is expected to grow significantly.
About Otovo: For homeowners, Otovo is the easiest way to get solar panels on the roof, and batteries in the home. Otovo is a marketplace that organises hundreds of local, high quality and qualified energy installers. The company uses its proprietary technology to analyse the potential of any home and finds the best price and installer for customers based on an automatic bidding process between available installers.
About VIVIesco: VIVIesco is a part of Vivi Energia, the energy company with EUR ~600m in revenues and more than 350 thousand customers across Italy. VIVIesco was created to support companies in their path of energy efficiency and to support VIVIenergia in the design of products that allow customers to achieve savings and contribute to the protection of the environment.
Follow us on investor.otovo.com for reports, financial calendar, contact details and more.
Otovo and VIVIesco enter partnership in Italy
Otovo and VIVIesco enter partnership in Italy
VIVIesco and Otovo have entered an agreement whereby Otovo will provide the online sales and installation infrastructure to the Italian electricity supplier’s solar and battery customers.
A breakthrough partnership
VIVIesco and Otovo have signed a partnership agreement where Otovo’s technology will enable VIVIesco to greatly accelerate their sales of PV systems, by using Otovo’s platform to perform sales, planning and installations. Through this partnership, Otovo aims to increase its sales by hundreds of units, which is expected to add an additional EUR ~3m in sales this year to Otovo’s already strong Italian business. It is both parties’ ambition to increase this substantially in succeeding years, after the renewal of the initial 1 year agreement.
Otovo’s General Manager in Italy, Fabio Stefanini, comments on the agreement saying:
- We are pleased to enter into a partnership with the VIVI Group to accelerate the process of energy transition towards renewable sources. We expect to continue developing the partnership with VIVI Group over the coming years, and for this to have a material impact on Otovo’s ability to grow its customer base in Italy.
– I am excited that we partner with VIVIesco to power their distributed residential energy growth. Italy has proven to be a fantastic market for Otovo already, and we hope to accelerate our growth in cooperation with VIVIesco, says Andreas Thorsheim, Chief Executive Officer of Otovo.
Andrea Bolla, President and CEO of the VIVI Group remarks:
- The collaboration with Otovo is a further step to promptly respond to the needs of the market, which today is increasingly interested in sustainability [...] On the path of innovation that we have been on for some time, the choice to collaborate with a technological player like Otovo was natural.
Otovo, with its platform, allows us to effectively manage the entire process to offer photovoltaic systems to our customers, from the price estimate to installation. Our goal is to identify the best energy solution for our customers and allow them to implement it in the simplest and most economical way possible.
New as-a-service technology
– We have spent time building the ‘Otovo-as-a-service’ functionality to be used by partners. The platform has been developed so that companies with large consumer exposure can offer solar and battery solutions to their customers without having to build all the ecommerce, project management and installer infrastructure themselves, says Andreas Thorsheim, Chief Executive Officer of Otovo.
– Partnerships are a central part of our customer acquisition strategy. Otovo’s pan-European presence makes us able to partner with partners in search of a low-friction way to add solar panels and batteries to their product portfolio. We see opportunities for this type of partnerships in several sectors, notably automotive, electricity retailers, home appliance retailers and more, adds Thorsheim.
The as-a-service platform is built on the same technology that powers Otovo’s Brazilian joint venture, Holu, and has already been tested at scale there. Holu currently runs at 100 installations per month pace and is expected to grow significantly.
About Otovo: For homeowners, Otovo is the easiest way to get solar panels on the roof, and batteries in the home. Otovo is a marketplace that organises hundreds of local, high quality and qualified energy installers. The company uses its proprietary technology to analyse the potential of any home and finds the best price and installer for customers based on an automatic bidding process between available installers.
About VIVIesco: VIVIesco is a part of Vivi Energia, the energy company with EUR ~600m in revenues and more than 350 thousand customers across Italy. VIVIesco was created to support companies in their path of energy efficiency and to support VIVIenergia in the design of products that allow customers to achieve savings and contribute to the protection of the environment.
Follow us on investor.otovo.com for reports, financial calendar, contact details and more.
08.04.2022 kl 07:51
Otovo går inn blant top pick aksjene til Sparebank 1 Markets i dagens rapport. De skriver at i juni 2022 skal EU komme med nye tiltak, hvor de regner med at sol panel blir enda større satsing enn det allerede er.
De har fortsatt kursmål kr 45. Det er mulighet for oppside i kursmålet «In 2025 we have estimated 36k vs. Otovo’s target of 80-90k. Otovo targets >50k by 2024»
De har fortsatt kursmål kr 45. Det er mulighet for oppside i kursmålet «In 2025 we have estimated 36k vs. Otovo’s target of 80-90k. Otovo targets >50k by 2024»
Redigert 08.04.2022 kl 07:56
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